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" did you liked him that much ?"

By those few words , jisung froze . He stared at minho unable to form any words . He really wants to deny but something stopped him.  He started feel guilty that he made minho feel so low .

He came back to reality when he saw minhos sad face . He immediately shook his head and hugged him tightly not letting minho breathe.

" J-j-ji-jisung c-ca-ca-cant bre-athe " minho managed to stutter out . As soon as the words came out of minhos mouth jisung pulled away looking at minho concerned. 

The younger started to shake minho to see if he was okay . Minho got dizzy by that shaking so he stopped jisung . " Jisung , jisung I am fine . I am okay " he spoke and met eyes who held a very concerned feelings and some sad ? Even though for minho those were the most prettiest eyes he has ever seen .

" hyung " jisung spoke . He placed hands on either sides of minhos cheek as he caressed them . " I 'used' to like him hyung . I 'used' to " jisung spoke with a serious tone as he emphasized the word used .

" the things he did to me hyung , that made me sick . The amount of love I used to have on him was now twice the amount I hate him . I freaking hate him hyung . " jisung signed as he looked at minho and smiled immediately when he noticed the small smile on minhos face .

" Hyung , I must say you were different than any people I met because you see, I hate physical touch of others . I always feel uncomfortable except for heongin because that guy has been with me throughout my entire journey .

But the thing is I really feel comfortable with your touches hyung . I don't know why but the only person u like them are you . Sometime I feel like I could hug you for the rest of my life . I can really feel love just by your touch hyung . " jisung took a breathe . He leaned forward and gave a quick peck on minho lips and started to speak again .

" Hyung , I freaking love you . I freaking can't live without you now . It's like I am obsessed with you . Wait that may sound creepy . Anyway , hyung , you made my hard shell break . Honestly to say , the first time I saw you when I greeted you , I knew I fell for you but I thought it might be minor crush but it started to grow . I don't know how it grew but I key it happen . But I was also scared that my past would repeat again so I tried to get rid of my feelings for you by ignoring you but that made me fall hard for you . I thought you didn't like me so I started to ignore you even more . I thought I wouldn't get a chance with you -" jisung was cut off by minho speaking .

" Jisung , I liked you a lot at that time but I never realized it . My shithead brain never realized it . I have to thank you because of your ignoring I realized my feelings. The days you ignored me were hell . I really missed you . I missed you saying good morning . I missed your smile , I missed you greeting me , I missed your voice freaking too much . But then too I didn't realize my feelings . I should be grateful to hyunjin because he made me realize my feelings for you . " minho spoke and looked at jisung .

" Hyung , I love you " jisung spoke in the most soft and loveliest voice ever . By those words , minho burst into tears . Jisung got worried . " Hyung ,hyung why are you crying ? Did I say something wrong ?" Jisung asked concerned . Minho shook his head and immediately embraced jisung .

" I-i never fe-felt this much loved " minho stuttered out . Jisumg got Confused for a second . Not got this much love ?

Minho started to speak again . " from the day I was born I was never loved . My parents are ceo of their companies and they would always roam around . They left me with the maids . The maids would cheer me up but they didn't take care of me that much .

My grandfather was one who always loved me ever since until his death . From then on , my feelings or even emotions were cut off . My grandfather's last gift was that rolex watch . His last wishes . " minho said sadly and last part teasingly .

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