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Jisung was getting ready because he and his friends are going out . Yeah , they decided to go out somewhere . First their plan was to go to Cafe and go to amusement park. But he didn't want to go because minho will be going too .

Currently , minho is excited . Yeah excited . A new and unknown word for minho . This is all because of ' jisung ' .

He smiled at the thought of the younger . He is excited to spend some time with him .

At 3:00 pm they will go to the cafe. They both got ready . First jisung stepped outside . He wore a white t-shirt which had letters ' PACIFIC ' written in blue colour and red lines on shoulders and neck with sky blue baggy jeans .

He waited for minho not because he was forced but he waited

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He waited for minho not because he was forced but he waited . ' I want to ignore him but I can't. ' to say , it was super hard for jisung to ignore minho . He tried super hard .

Keyword: tried

But world seems to ignore his prayers as a door flung open revealing an angel with devil outfit standing near the door .

Jisung mind was blown apart . ' GODDDD . HE IS FREAKINGGGG HANDSOMEEE . HOW CAN SOMEONE LOOK THIS GOOOOOOOOD ' Jisung stood there staring at minho with his big doe wide eyes .

Minho stood there wearing a plain black shirt with a black leather jacket with a blue baggy jeans

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Minho stood there wearing a plain black shirt with a black leather jacket with a blue baggy jeans . Minho thought that jisung is absolutely adorable . ' he is like a small squirrel with his shirt ' minho squealed inside . But you say, who would have thought that someone like minho , a cold hearted , quiet person can fall for someone like jisung who is adorable , extroverted,  Bubbly and energetic.  Minho didn't think that . He himself is surprised that he ' is ' capable of falling in love .

A cough made jisung get back to reality . He looked away with a red face on embrassment .

" Shall we go or do you want to stand there " minho said coldly which he didn't want to but habit . ' you idiot .' Minho cursed himself for the harsh tone .

" l-let's g-go hyung . Others will be waiting " jisung spoke not looking at minho . Minho was shocked was a surprise . Jisung ' talked ' to him . ' Yayyyyy' .

Minho came back to reality after his fantasies . Minho nodded and started to walk . Jisung followed .

They went out of the dorm and walked outside . There was literal awkward silence while they were walking . Both of them didn't utter a word .

They finally reached the car . " hi fellows " Chan greeted them with his aussie accent which made han come back to his Bubbly self . And minho just scoffed at it .

" Hello chan hyunggg " jisung spoke.  They both sat at their seats . But the problem is there are no seats available .

So one of the both should sit on others lap. " I will sit on jeongin . Because he only can handle my weight " jisung said because of other reasons . He didn't want his ' crush ' to sit on others not because he is jealous but it is because he didn't want him to be uncomfortable .

Minho wanted to protest but kept quiet. Jisung made himself comfortable on jeongin lap who held his arms around jisung's small waist . Jeongin and jisung sat beside minho who was seated near the window .

They are obviously oblivious that two vultures are looking at them hungrily or might say sending daggers to them .

" Minho hyungg , you look so hott . Why did you decide to try a nice outfit " changbin spoke which killed the silence which surrounded them.

" just felt like it " minho said but changbin of course didn't buy it so he spoke again but now in a teasing tone " I don't think so hyung would ready because he felt like it right , hyunjin " . Hyunjin also joined the teasing " yes , hyung . You are right . Hyung won't get ready because he felt like it . What do you think " hyunjin asked changbin .

Minho was beyond irritated . He gave a cold stare to hyunjin which didn't scare hyunjin . " Can you guys ' shut your mouth ' ?" Minho said in a deep tone in his voice . Which actually worked. 

While the others are talking about random things jisung mind was filled with minho . He kept taking small glances at minho . He looked so hot . His hair was split apart revealing his gorgeous ( according to jisung) forehead . His eyes was set outside the window , his perfect sculptured nose , not to mention his lips . He averted his gaze before his mind started to think unnecessary things . Jisung obviously felt sad that minho didn't even talk to him on top of that , he didnt even look at him .He is still thinking minho is hating him unaware of the older's feelings for him .

The same goes with minho but he didn't take a glance at jisung because he didn't want jisung to caught him staring .

He kept his mind onto the buildings but his mind seems to find a certain person . His mind played tricks on him . How much he wanted to distract himself from thinking about jisung his mind seems to be coming to that destination .

While he was thinking there was huge I mean huge jerk which caused the car to shake heavily.  Which of course made jisung jump and unfortunately for jisung he fell on minho's lap .

His face became red . Even minho's too . Even the others saw this especially hyunjin and jeongin . They saw their faces . They both were bright red . What shocked more was minho was also bright red . They both ( hyunjin and jeongin ) exchanged the looks . There was one more person who noticed this . Changbin . He saw how their faces were bright red . He smirked .

Back to where we are , jisung wanted to move so he tried But minho is more confident then he think . Maybe more confident . He pulled back jisung onto his lap causing jisung to yelp . Minho grabbed jisung's waist with his long arms and intervining his fingers securing him .

They both didn't speak at all . ' jeongin can only handle his weight.  He is even lighter than a feather . ' minho thought still feeling jealous .

The whole ride they kept quiet even when others are being their loud selves .jisung moved sometimes due to some jerks . Their thoughts were filled with the situation and their position . Their minds kept replaying the same part again and again . Their faces were painted with a faint blush .

' maybe today is not a bad day ' jisung thought .

' Maybe today is my lucky day ' minho thought .


Guyssss newww update . Some minsung content I see . Minho and jisung fell hard for each other 😫😫

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