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Minho carried an unconscious jisung who passes out crying in his arms to their dorm . Surely everybody passing by can see minho's unreadable face and some were shocked that THE LEE MINHO carrying someone .

Minho didn't care about those stares . All he cared is about jisung and jisung only .

He placed jisung on his bed and observed his face . Tear stains , puffy eyes , red cheeks , a big red mark . RED MARK ON HIS NECK . Minho eyes widened . That mf freaking marked him . He gave a hickey to HIS DARLING .
Again his possessive side is taking over his body and mind . He quickly covered the sheets over jisung's sleeping body .

He intertwined their hands and signed . He tried to calm down . He didn't know the mf at all . He can clearly see the fear and hatred in jisung's eyes . That bastard must hurt jisung . Badly .

He remembered that bastards and his conversation . He clenched his left hand which was free . He clenched his jaw too . Just remembering it made his blood boil .


Minho was walking to the cafeteria but was stopped when someone put an arm around his shoulder . He turned around expecting it to be hyunjin instead he saw that bastard .

Minho tried to release himself from the hold but grip was tight . " Don't come near my toy . " the guy warned . Minho's blood boiled . He scoffed . " my toy bullshit . He isn't anyone's toy and he isn't yours he is freaking mine now " minho growled angrily . The guy chuckled . " God so funny . He is practically cheating one me with you . We haven't even broke up yet . He freaking left me with that mistress of his " the guy said as he chuckled . Minho couldn't control his anger . He literally wanted to punch that guy's face . That guy isn't even that strong . Minho is much more stronger than him . Even chan , changbin are well built and strong .  Not mention hyunjin is even more built than those two .

Minho punched the guy's face . The guy groaned in pain . " ouch , you don't have to punch me like that " the guy chuckled . Minho got confused . He laughed when he is in pain . " oh do you want another " like that minho punched him again and again . " stop . It hurts " the guy tried to stop minho . " oh that what I want " like that minho kicked the guy for the last time . He started to walk off but he can hear a faint " HANNIE IS MINE " that pissed him off .

END OF FLASHBACK .............

minho got out of his thoughts he heard some shuffling . He looked over to see jisung crying and mumbling something again .

" stop it Yoon. P-please . D-dont put me in that room " minho instantly shaked jisung resulting jisung to bolt up .

" Jisung it's me . Your hyung " minho calmed down jisung . Minho then claimed onto the bed and wrapped his legs around jisung's waist and hugged him where jisung laid his head on minho chest. With this jisung instantly broke down .

" Shuuhhh , jisung it's going to be okay . I am here now . He is not here . " minho comforted him by swaying their bodies . Soon enough minho could feel weight upon his chest . He assumed jisung fell asleep . He looked to see jisung sleeping with his lips parted.  Minho smiled . Sadly . ' JUST who are you jisung . What happened to you ?' Minho had a lot of questions in his mind he wanted to ask jiaung but he didn't want to pressure or force his darling to say something he is uncomfortable of .

He careful laid jisung on the bed and covered him with blankets.  He left the room to his own room . He showered with thoughts filling his mind . He wore some comfortable clothes . He went to jisung's room to check on him .

As soon as he opened the door he got worried . He looked around the room.  No jisung . " Jisung . Where are you ?" Minho yelled . " Jisung please don't play games . Where are you ?" He screamed .

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