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" class , I have a announcement to make . We will be having group projects . I have already selected the partners and I don't want any changes in it . " the teacher announced making students groan.

Jisung just nodded his head . He hoped he won't be paired with minho . It will be so hard to ignore him .

" this group project is about writing your lyrics and rap and sing and it days about you chemistry between the partners " the teacher said .

Minho unknowingly looked at jisung when he ' chemistry between partners ' . He mentally slapped himself . He didn't know what those feelings were and it is making him go crazy.

" I will announce the partners now .

lee mingyu and Kim chaeyon

Park jimin and jeon jungkook

Naeyeon and tyuzu

Lee minho and kim yeji

Jisung signed in relief when he heard that minho is not paired with him but the opposite happened to the older . He was disappointed ? ' why am I disappointed again ?'

Han jisung and lee jaeyun

These are the partners . Hope you get along " teacher said before walking out of the class .

Jisung turned his head here and there to see who the ' lee jaeyun ' is . As he was looking he felt a tap on his shoulder . He turned his head and saw a handsome person standing next to him .

" yes" jisung said looking at this handsome person . " oh sorry , I am lee jaeyun . Your partner for the project . Nice to meet you " jaeyun stretched his hand for a handshake which was gladly accepted by jisung ." Nice to meet you dude . I am jisung . Hope we get along " jisung said before giving his infamous gummy smile to the handsome guy .

" I hope too " jaehyun said also smiling but he also added which made jisung blush " your smile is so cute " .

Jisung face was flushed red . " aww your cute " jaehyun said who was still holding jisung hand . His hand was much larger than jisung's tiny hand. 

What they didnt know was someone staring at them intensly clenching his hand which held a pencil making it snap into two. The stranger turned back to reality ' what was that ' he thought .

AT LUNCH ......

minho went to their table obviously in a bad mood . He saw everyone seated except jisung .

The gang noticed this and asked him what happened . He said it was nothing and they didn't mind him because he is always like this . Moody .

" JISUNGGG" Minho heard someone shouting a familiar name . He raises his head and the next scene boiled his blood .

Jaehyun came running to jisung hugging him . He pulled away and whispered in his ear which kinda made jisung blush red and the next scene boiled his blood even more which made him clunch his hand too hard which may have caused it to bleed , the scene : ' the lee jaeyun bastard ( according to Minho) patted jisung head and pulled his arm to hug him once more and he called him ' sungiee' .

Minho lost it . He grabbed a fork and punched the table with it making a slight  scratch.  The members looked at him in confusion. 

Jisung made his way to the table and sat at his seat which was across minho and he ignored him . He didn't even take a glance at him which obviously added fuel to his anger . He clenched his jaw in jealousy? You ask he also didn't know .

As usual the teasing starts . " so sungiee hyunggg who is that ? " jeongin started making others also started teasing .

Jisung let out a sign . " nothing . He is just my project partner . That's it " jisung said wanting to avoid the topic . To say the guy was extremely flirty . " so do you like him ?" Jeongin asked again . Jisung choked on his food and drank some water to cool down . " W-what " jisung asked with a red face .

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