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*ring** ring*

Jeongin woke up as his infamous alarm tone rang .

He sat up and stretched his hands and rubbed his eyes with his tiny fists .

" good morning innie " the older who is also the roommate of jeongin greeted him morning with his eyes smile which jeongin really likes about his hyung .

Jeongin realized he was staring so he shook his head and greeted him with a red face " G-good morning hyung "
Hyunjin smiled again .

Jeongin got off his bed and folded his brown and white checked blankets neatly and placed on his bed .

He went to the bathroom and started to brush  . He pulled his phone as he got a message . He opened his phone while still brushing his teeth .

Sungie hyung ❤️

Innie , I need
To talk to you .

I will meet you in the library .


                                                     sure hyung .

Jeongin put his phone back . And he showered . He wore oversized purple hoodie with beige pants .

He got out of his room and stared at the figure infront with mouth hung open

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He got out of his room and stared at the figure infront with mouth hung open .

There stood hyunjin with green shirt tucked in sky blue skinny ripped jeans leaning on sofa with his phone .

Jeongin slapped himself to check what he saw was true or not

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Jeongin slapped himself to check what he saw was true or not . He slapped . Hard . Damn it's true . ' Why is this hyung so hot ?' Jeongin thought and shook his head to come back to reality .

" H-hyung shall we go for breakfast ?" Jeongin asked whose face was red . Hyunjin got confused.  " jeongin , are you having a fever ? You look too red ." Hyunjin said .

Soon his Long palm touched jeongin's forehead making jeongin flinch and turn red . His eyes widened .

" N-no n-no . I - I am okay " jeongin walked away while hyunjin just smirked liking the reaction he got from the younger .

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