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Jisung went back to his dorm . He unlocked the door and went to his locking it .

He changed into comfy clothes . He wore normal black oversized hoodie and black sweatpants making him look small .

He went to his study table and took out his lyrics notebook and started writing lyrics but this time he couldn't concentrate at all . His thoughts were filled by 'someone' . He tore pages after making mistakes and feeling dissatisfied by the words .

He shook his head continously to get rid of those thoughts which didn't work so I got out of his room to drink some water .

After he did , he went back  to his room . He stared at the notebook for a few moments . He couldn't think of anything except his roommate .

His eyes became blurry and drowsy so he thought to sleep for sometime and wake up and start writing lyrics with a fresh mind .

To say , that kinda changed his life maybe .


Minho came to his dorm . He opened the key with the help of the key and went inside . He changed into new clothes .

To say,  he wanted to see his roommate bedroom . He is curious . ' maybe I could just peek a little ' he thought as he approached the door he felt guilty that he was going to invade someone else privacy but he wanted to see .

So he opened a little and saw a neat bed but messy study table . He saw a lot of papers crumbled and thrown in the bin . And he saw a ' squirrel ' sleeping .

His hair was slightly moved forward and his cheeks are puffed up and his lips slightly apart .

' What a minute why am I staring at this dude . Come on minho you got better things to do . But why am I feeling a bit strange . Maybe hatred and yeah hatred '

But still he felt a bit strange . He went to his room .

He clenched his shirt where the heart belongs to . ' why is it beating so much not even so it is beating too fast , what is this feeling ' minho tried so hard to ignore that feeling .

' why do I always get this feelings whenever he is around ?' .

The next day , jisung woke up . He did his daily routine and went to eat his breakfast .

He jogged to the cafeteria until someone hit his head hard . Hard

" Good morning , sungiee hyungg " ofcourse it's his baby. 

" morning " jisung said yawning .

" didn't you sleep well ?" Jeongin asked concerned . " actually no . I slept on my desk and my neck it's paining " jisung said while stretching his neck .

" should I massage you ? " jeongin asked which jisung nodded . He knows jeongin can give a nice massage .

They walked to the cafeteria and sat at a bench . Jeongin walked behind jisung and started to massage his neck . He massages until he felt like someone was watching him . He turned around and looked around but didn't find anyone staring so he shrugged the feeling off and massaged him .

To say,  jisung also felt that someone was staring at his soul . He wanted to check but couldn't as jeongin will scold him if he move so he kept quiet but throughout the session jisung still as the feeling that someone is watching over them .

He tried to ignore the feeling so he started a conversation . " Hey,  innie do u mind telling me who your roommate is ?" " oh its Hyunjin hyung . The one that guided me " jeingin answered . " okay " jisung answered . He knows that hyunjin has a crush on jeongin . He felt happy for jeongin that somebody likes him romantically . To say , jeongin didn't ever date anyone . He always took care for jisung so he didn't have time . Now I think he has time .

After jeongin finished he went to get their breakfast ( jisung's too ) . He brought their food and sat down . He noticed jisung being tense . He got worried . He asked him if he was okay .

" I feel like someone is watching me and it's creepy " jisung said with a scared expression .

Jeongin got shocked . " wait did you also get that feeling " now jisung was shocked too " you also got that feeling "

" yes I got too " jeongin answered . They both looked around but found no one staring .

Jeongin Saw a familiar face who is eating their break fast . " hyunjinnn hyunggg " he shouted and ran towards him .

" IN ahh " hyunjin said with a fond smile on his face .

Jisung also noticed a familiar face too . Minho . He wanted to greet him a morning but didn't had the courage to . But he wanted to give a try .

So he excitedly ran to him and greeted him " good morning hyungg " which minho didn't return and turned around to eat his lunch .

Jisung got hurt bur he didn't complain.  He sat down and stared at hyunjin and jeongin talking where hyunjin being a flirt and jeongin being obvious . He rolled his eyes at them .

Meanwhile , minho was going crazy inside . minho may or may not have a panic attack . He clenched his shirt again . ' Why do I always get this feeling when he is around ' to say minho was red as a tomato .

Jisung turned to minho and saw his red face . He asked worridly " Hyung are you okay ?" He stretched his hand to his forehead to check his temperature which made minho heart beat rapidly crazy . ' yahh you stupid heart . Stop beating so rapidly . ' he slapped jisung hand off his forehead . He couldn't take it anymore . He got up and ran out of the cafeteria .

" I will go check on him " hyunjin said before running to catch minho . The boys nodded but jisung got worried . A lot .


" Hyungg " hyunjin ran to the older making him stop . " are you okay.  Your face became so red . Are u having a fever ?" Hyunjin bombarded minho with  questions which obviously minho didn't answer because he also don't know the answers to the questions he had.

Minho ignored him and started to walk away but again hyunjin stopped him . " stop ignoring me " hyunjin protested. 

" What do you want hyunjin " the older said frustrated . He grabbed his hair in frustration. 

Hyunjin stopped him . " just what happened to you ?" Hyunjin again asked .

" I- I don't know too hyunjin . Can I talk about this afterwards ?" Minho said .

" of course but don't escape this . I have  good memory " hyunjin said waving before going back to ' his ' jeongin .

To say  , minho had so many words to day . He wanted to burst out the emotions to someone . He wanted ask what are these feelings he didn't even know . He wanted to ask if these feelings are of hatred or ' something else ' .

' What is this feeling ?'


Hellloooooo guyyyys . This the chapter . To say I got ideas . Like so many ideas . I think I will update soon too . So I hope you like my story .

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