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Guyysss here's a filler chapter because I am boreedddd .


" Hyungg , I am boreedddd " jisung whined to minho was relaxing peacefully on his lap . Minho chuckled at his cute darling. " What should we do ?" Minho asked jisung who made a thinking pose . " I don't know " jisung signed .

" Hyung , should we clean the dorm . Isn't it messy " jisung asked minho who was looking around the dorm . Yes , it was messy . Minho only nodded .

" .................. "

" Hyungg , why aren't u moving ?" Jisung whined at minho was not budging at all . Minho signed . " I am comfortable here " minho also whined as he hugged jisungs waist and snuggled close . " Gosh, this old man "jisung signed .

" Yahhhh , this old man is your boyfriend " minho returned back the comment . " yes, yes I know I know old man " jiaung replied back .

" Han jiaung , you better be careful with your mouth or else " minho threatened jisung who was unfazed by that . " Or else , what ?" Jisung asked raising a brow in curiosity. " do you really want to know " minho asked eyeing jisungs lips . This action was unnoticed by the younger who was looking at minho I curiosity unaware of what was going to happen .

SAY YES PLEASEE .. minho thought

" Yeah , I want to know " jisung said as he licked his lips as they felt dry . This action made minhos mind go crazy .


Within a swift movement minhos lips attached to jisungs who was completely in a state of shock . He tried to pull away but minho pulled him close by grabbing his neck not leaving him .

Minho finally pulled away looking at blushing jisung who had his eyes widened . " Why did you do that suddenly ?" Jisung whined . Minho raised a brow " didn't you ask for it ?"

" Did I?" Jisung asked blankly . " didn't you just say yes , you want to know what I am going to do " minho spoke as if he did nothing . Jisung eyes widened in realization. He hit minhos arm . " You ,old man " jisung signed.

" Again , watch your mouth Han jisung . This time I will do worse " minho said with a serious until last sentence . " S-shut up " jisung said as his cheeks started to rise and become a cherry .

" Okay , shall we start cleaning " jisung said as he stood up from the couch . Minho also stood up and followed jisung .


" Darling , where should I keep this ?" Minho asked jisung holding a box of books . " Oh , hyung keep anywhere you like on that shelf " jisung said smiling as he saw his boyfriend keeping the box not noticing where he kept it .

Right now , they cleaned up minhos room , the living room now jisungs room is the last thing they need to clean and they are at it .

" Hyung , why did you keep that box at that top shelf ?" Jisung whined to minho who actually placed the box on top of the shelf where jisung can't reach .

" Yahh ,you said I can keep it anywhere " minho argued back . " But hyung , can't you see my height . I am too short to reach that height unlike you who reached easily " jisung pouted . His breath caught to his throat as he can feel minhos hot breadth on his neck as the older spoke " well, it's not my fault that your short darling , am I right ?" Jisung could literally feel minhos smirk while he was speaking . Minho seemed dominant and he liked it .

" B-but y-you have consider my h-he-height too as this is my room " jisung managed to argue back while stuttering clearly saying he got intimidated by minho .

" But you said I can keep it anywhere . Not my fault sungie darling " minho said as he looked at jisung who gulped hard .

" But hyung you-" jisung words were cut off and turned into a yelp as minho lifted jisung by his legs and placed him on the table and trapped him between his arms .

" Now , what were you saying sungie darling " minho asked innocently as he looked at jisung straight into his eyes . " N-n-nothing . We have work t-to do-do , hyung " like that jisung tried to escape but was immediately pulled back down .

" I am not with you , sungie darling. What were you saying " minho asked in the most intimate way which worked on jisung who was shaking due to the dominance . " I-i was saying that you should consider my hei-" jisung words were cut off by a pair of lips on his own . " Now what were you telling , baby " minho asked as he pretended nothing happened .

" i-i-i was telling that-" his words were again cut off by minhos lips . Before minho could tell anything jisung done a hand gesture indicating that he zipped his lips .

Minho only chuckled . " Okay,okay I will let you go ..................... under one condition . " minho said as he smirked at jisung who tilted his head in confusion . " You have to give me a kiss " minho said in his most seductive voice .

Jisung really couldn't handle this minho . Seductive and dominant minho was so hot for jisung to handle . He leaned forward and gave a peck on his lips . Before he could get off minho pulled him down . " We are not done , are we ?" Minho said with his playful smirk . " But hyung , you said to give a kiss and you will let me go " jisung said as he reasoned .

" i asked for a kiss darling not a peck " minho said as he stared at jisung . Jisung could only lean forward . His lips collided by force by an impatient minho who grabbed him by his neck . Jisung struggled under minhos grip . " H-h-hy-hyung " jisung tried to speak between the kiss but his words were muffled .

Minho bit jisungs bottom lips to ask for entrance but jisung wanted to play hard to get so he didn't open his lips . Minho just smirked . He slowly slid his hands under jisung purple hoodie .

Jisung gasped as he felt cold hands placed on his waist letting minhos tongue enter . After a few minutes , minho let go of jisung who was indeed panting for air hard .

" thats for like it " minho smirked as he let of jisung . Jisung slowly recovered from that heated session with pink cheeks .

Soon , they both cleaned up jisungs room . Jisung wanted to relax . So he let his body fall over his bed but before his body touched the bed he was lifted in a bridal style by none other than minho who has his stupid smirk which jisung like a lot plastered on his face .

" Hyung , what are you doing ?" Jisung asked as he looked at minho . " well , I want to relax so I need you " like that minho carried jisung who struggled to get out off minhos grip .

As they entered minhos room , minho placed jisung on the bed . A blushing jisung looked at minho who hovered over jisung .

" hyung-"


Hey guysss , my exams are over . Now I can complete this story and post another story . Yesssss .

And guys , I don't write intimate scenes and don't ask for it .

I hope you enjoyed this filler .

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