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" Class , we have a new student . Please introduce yourself  han jisung " the teacher just announced the class while welcoming the so called new student .

There sat a Jae Yoon who slept while keeping his head down . " Hello , my name is han jisung . Nice to meet you all " Han introduced himself while looking at the class smiling widely.

Silence .

" Oh God.  Cute " soon gasps started to echo throughout the class who were definitely effected by jisungs presence . Curiosity rang in Jae Yoon s brain . He slowly lifted his head only to get his eyes widen . He gulped .

There stood han who was wearing the same uniform of school as others but more charming . The shirt neatly tucked in those black pants making people see how tiny his waist was .

Jae Yoons eyes traveled all around jisungs body . From head to toe . He bit his bottom lip trying to control his inner phycopath from coming out . His eyes followed where jisung went . He sat near the window . He looked at his position . 3 rows far from him . 2 window seat from the back .

1 sec . 2 sec . 3 sec . 4 sec . 40 min completed . His eyes never left him . His eyes never left his body . Staring at it . His eyes captured every single movement he did . Even when he slightly moved his leg . Even adjusting the pen cap . Now he saw him leaving the class with his backpack which is in light blue colour with some band name written on it . Stray kids .

He followed him out . He looked at his back . Eyes travelling from head to toe of his back . He licked his lips like he was a predator wanting to eat his prey which is infront of him . He felt a weight on his shoulder.  He irritately looked to his side as he didn't want his eyes to leave the body of the boy walking away . He saw his friends smiling at him . " What " he asked irritated. " God, don't be so irritated " minhyuk said as he looked at Yoon as irritated as him .

" What do you want " Jae Yoon asked as his eyes again searching the body of the boy he became obsessed of . " nothing . Just come to the bar with me tonight " minhyuk said as he looked Yoon whose eyes were now on him as he lost the boy . He smirked . " Sure "


" You look attractive " minhyuk said as he scanned his friends appearance with his eagle eyes . Jae yoon wore just a semi black shirt tucked neatly inside grey bottomups and some accessories.

They both walked to the bar and sat beside each other . They ordered their drinks . Jae yoon eyes wandered through the crowd . His eyes landed on an unfamiliar boy who was drinking with an another guy smiling and laughing .

He walked to the boy . " Hello there ,pretty boy . My name is Jae Yoon.  Yours ," jae yoon said with a smirk . The boy smirked and told his name . " hyunsik " " Shall we talk upstairs then "
" sure "


Jae yoon walked to his class and sat at his seat . His eyes immediately traveled to the empty seat . Soon the students started to enter the class while talking , laughing,  gossiping and some hurrily .
But his eyes immediately found the owner of the empty seat .

His eyes followed his very movements. He scanned his body yet again while biting and licking his lips . He saw the boy taking out his notes , pens etc . He now looked at the boys face which was growling under sunlight making him seem more desirable . He watched how many times the boy blinks , licks his lips making him lick his own . He watched how he puffs his cheeks often when concentrating , how he pouts when he makes a small mistakes . He just couldn't take his eyes off the boy .

No , he did not fall for the boy . He fell for his body . Only body . He just wanted to ruin the boy .

This went on as a routine . He would wat ch, watch,watch . He now sat at the bench in the cafeteria. Looking straight at the boy who was peacefully or not so peaceful talking to both of his friends laughing . He felt his body shake as he finally left the sight of the boy and looked at the person . " are you listening " " Yes I am " he said as he again started staring at the boy .

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