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The room was filled with faint smell of wood and mud . The smell filled jisungs nostrils as he slowly lifted his eyes and squinted to adjust . He tried to recollect everything that had happened . And honestly , he wanted to cry but no tears were releasing . He understood that no tears were left as they got wasted yesterday .

He now fully opened his eyes and looked around . He found himself in a small room which was filled with wood and cement . The wall were not painted and looked grumpy . He tried to get up but soon felt some weights holding onto his wrists and ankles . He looked to see chains attached to his body to the wall behind him .

He tried to release himself by wiggling around . Instead he was left with abused wrist and ankles which were red and painful. He wanted to escape . He wanted to go home . To his minho hyung . He again squinted his eyes and observed the room . He now confirmed that this is some type of basement .

Something clicked in his mind . He connected the pieces . His eyes widened after knowing the fact that he is with his ex . In his exes basement . Tied up . He wiggled harder this time . He screamed for help even though he knew nobody would come for him . He screamed out of his lungs wanting to go back home. To escape from the misery that was about to happen. To escape from the devil himself.  Nope not devil . Even devil would be ashamed to be compared to a unsympathetic of a human being .

He broke out of his thoughts when he heard somebody darkly chuckling . He looked at source of dark . He wanted to scream just by looking at his exes face who had his stupid smirk plastered on his not so handsome face . Oh how much he wanted to remove that stupid of a smirk from his face and slap him hard but he couldn't do it . He is weak or so he thought .

" Nobody will help you , my hannie . Now that I got you back again . You will never leave me again . Just accept the fact " jae yoon spoke with utter confidence but jisung had courage . On minho . That the older would eventually rescue him . He trusts him . He knows he will be saved . By his boyfriend .

Jisung eyes showed confidence that he would be saved but his body didn't.  His body reacted the same it usually did . Shaking and shivering infront of the distugusting of a creature he called his ex . " Why the hell can't you leave me alone ?" Jisung screamed making Jae yoon angry . Jisung disobeyed him . Asking him questions is wrong .

He slowly walked towards the shivering squirrel whose eyes held confidence and tears . He harshly grabbed him by his jaw , tightening the grip he spoke " because I can't. I can't leave you at all . Not even for a second " he now started to choke jisung by holding his neck and pinning him to the wall .

Jisung cried out. The grip on his neck getting tighter by the second . He wanted to escape only to get slapped in return . He re.ained quite silently praying minho to arrive soon . Meanwhile ,the other was patiently waiting for jisung to come home .

Jisung immediately felt slight pain on his neck that's when he noticed a injection piercing his skin , injecting a liquid . He yelped and within seconds he became drowsy . He soon fell into a deep slumber . Not knowing what's about to happen .

Jae yoon smirked and started to tear jiusngs clothes apart. He looked at his naked bare chest . His inner phycopath started to come put which is obsessed with jisungs body from the start . His hands started to trail its way around jisung chest ,waist .


The others observed minho pacing around waiting for him to calm down . They now sat at minsungs apartment with mingi Watchung minho worrying about jisung . They waited for jisung from the past 3 hours . No phone call , no message , no trace of jisung .

" Where the hell is he ? He went missing for the past 3 hours . He didn't come to cafeteria. I didn't see him in the corridors . I am afraid " minho rambled on and on .

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