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Soon they arrived to the cafe . " so this is the cafe you suggested chan hyung?" Changbin asked . " oh yeah,  this cafe is famous for couples and also friends too . "

The cafe name is ' Cafe Arora ' . The group went inside . Jisung observed the cafe . He liked the vibe . The walls are painted with cream white and there are some half moon , stars , galaxy painted on them . The ceilings is filled with shiny universe , stars etc .

They sat at a table , which luckily is 8 seater . Felix and changbin sat beside each other,  hyunjin obviously clingy to jeongin followed him and sat beside him , chan and seungmin also sat beside each other and here comes our couple . They sat across each other .

" so what do you guys want ?" Chan asked everybody . Everybody said their orders and now it's jisung's turn . " I want blueberry cheesecake with ice Americano " . Jeongin face palmed himself . He let out a sign . " what " jisung asked . " hyung , don't you ever get tired of eating cheesecake and drinking americano.  I have been seeing you eating and drinking the same thing each time we went out " jeongin said with his exhausted tone . " I can't help it . Cheesecake is life , jeongin " jisung said with his Bubbly tone and clenched his heart .

" It's life for you " jeongin mumbled . Chan ordered everything . Until then they talked . While they were talking changbin said something which jisung froze . " ' hannie ' can you scold jeongin ?" . Jisung froze . 'That' name triggered him . He became tensed . His hands and legs started to shake . His lip quivered. Jisung eyes were straight looking at minho but his mind somewhere else wandering a certain someone .

Jeongin and seungmin observed him . And jeongin immediately went to jisung and hugged him . He started to rub his back . And seungmin joined him . Jisung stopped shaking but his mind still terrified of ' that ' name .

Jeongin started to speak or might say warned " everyone I just want to tell that please don't call jisung by 'that' name . Please . I beg you " jeongin practically pleaded as he was worried about his beat friend . Jeongin continued to rub his back . Jeongin added " he doesn't like that nickname much . So I hope you guys understand " . Everybody said they understood but one person is still looking at jisung , might say trying to figure out something .

From the starting of jisung panicking . He observed him . How he panicked when he heard that name . How his lips quivered in fear . He observed his eyes . They were filled with fear , rage , frightened ? . He observed every moment of him .

His thoughts were interrupted by the waiter . He placed the food on the table .

Jisung finally started to breath . He calmed down . Of course minho observed that and he was relieved that he is Bubbly again .

As they were eating , seungmin felt someone grabbing or placing their hands on his right thigh . He looked to the side and saw chan eating peacefully as if he is not trying to make seungmin fluster.

Seungmin tried to move but he couldn't because the grip on his thigh tightened each time he tried to move. 

Ohh , I didn't say that chan and seungmin are dating right ? Yeah they are dating for 5 months . Wow right . Actually chan is senior of seungmin . Chan helped seungmin very much. In the meantime , they have grown feelings for each other . They wanted to be more than just senior and junior or friends . They used to flirt with each other but mostly chan . One day , chan couldn't take it anymore . He wanted to confess even if he was rejected . So he invited seungmin to a park and proposed to him . That day the puppy was extra happy . He covered his mouth with his hands as it is a gester of shock or surprised or something unbelievable.  So without wasting a moment he immediately said yes . Chan was beyond happy.  He was happy that younger also had feelings for him . They both hugged and they shared their first kiss after a few weeks because chan was being whiny as he saw someone flirting with seungmin and seungmin didn't have any option other than grabbing the collar of the older shirt and placing his lips on his to calm the older or to reduce his jealousy. They decided to keep this as a secret too .

So this is about chan and seungmin encounter and their secret dating . Now back to where we are ,

Jeongin kept checking on jisung , he let out a sign of relief as jisung came to normal and started to eat his favourite food .

" So , jisung do you have a crush on someone ?" Hyunjin asked with a sneaky and teasy tone . Jisung practically chocked on his food he was eating . He started to cough and jeongin gave water to him . He calmed down after drinking .

" N-no I don't have a crush " jisung said with a red , obviously blushing face which did give answer to hyunjin . Hyunjin looked at minho and boom he was frightened.  Minho there looking hyunjin with a death intense cold glare making hyunjin shiver in fear . He slipped himself into jeongin back as a gesture of protecting himself .

He let his arms travel to the shoulders and held his shoulders tightly making jeongin turn to see him . For a few moments they held eyes contact but the first to break is jeongin . His face turned slightly red? Is he blushing ? I don't know .

He fanned himself because he was hot . Yeah hot . Hyunjin smirked at his red face . The whole time hyunjin kept pestering jeongin or kept holding him close . Either he pull jeongin close by pulling his waist or would talk too much or flirt too much I say and jeongin would instantly turn bright red .

Now they finished their light lunch and decided to go to amusement park . Yayyy . Chan payed the bill and the group started to walk to the car . Again the same problem . But this time without wasting a moment minho pulled jisung by his arm and made him sit on his lap . He wrapped his arms around his waist and placed his head on his back trying fall asleep which he gladly did . While minho was busy doing that , jisung's face showed everbody his legendary red blushing face . He lowered his head trying to hide his red face .

While this was happening , everybody in the car was surprised that ' The Lee Minho ' would let someone sit on 'his ' lap . And on top of that he himself pulled him . But everybody minded their own business with their ' crushes ' . Let me explain ..

Chan is driving with seugmin seated beside him talking about random things which made chan smile . And now hyunjin hugging the side of blushing jeongin trying to fall asleep but wanting to admire the younger he kept his eyes open . His side profile is just too adorable for hyunjin. He couldn't keep his eyes off him for even a moment . Jeongin tried to move but hyunjin grip is iron grip . Hyunjin placed his head on his shoulder and stared at him .

At the back , changbin was clinging to felix who was allowing him because he loves skinship from the elder . Only changbin . He loves his warmth . His muscles , everything about changbin made felix even love him more and more . That same goes to changbin . He started to like felix when he first saw him but he started to love him even more for his cute , bright personality . Changbin placed his legs and hands over Felix's legs and shoulder . Like hugging his side . ( CHANGLIX ARE SOOO DAMNNN CUTE DUDES).

They arrived to the destination with a jerk due to stopping of car . Which made minho and the others who are asleep wake up and minho growled " Why did we arrive so fast " . Minho voice was raspy , harsh which was too hot for jisung to handle . He got off from minho's lap which made minho whine at the lose of warmth . They started to get off and walked towards the gate . Chan booked the tickets for everyone .


Helloo guyyys !!!! This is the longest chapter I ever wrote . So I hope you like . And here's some changlix , chanmin and hyunin content I hope you like it . I will more of them so wait

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