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Jisung woke up by a ringtone . He shuffled under the sheets and placed his hands on his phone which is on the nightstand and he picked up the call sleepily not even checking the caller .

    " Hello " jisung answered sleepily .

" jisung , my son " a totally worried voice answered him back .

By this jisung shot up or bolted up and spoke wide awake .

" PAPA " Jisung shouted which made minho wake up too .

" Jisung . Are you okay ?"  his father,  han mingi asked with a serious worried tone which made jisung worried and confused .

" Yeah , I am okay papa but why are you calling Mr now . Did something happen " Han asked to his father worridely . After he joined the uni he didn't talk to his parents that much . Rarely they would talk .

" No not at all . My son . That bastard . He cane to your life again . Am I right ?" Mingi asked now in a serious tone .

Jisung gulped . He turned towards a worried and confused minho . He spoke again " actually ........... yeah he entered again papa . He came to destroy my life again " jisung said the last part lowly . He looked at minho and he could tell that the older was worried and confused at the same time .

" why . Did something happened . Did that trash do something to u guys ?" Jisung worried as he removed his covered and sat at the edge of bed and minho followed him .

" I.... will talk to you about this in person jisung . I am coming to your uni tmr " mingi said that and almost immediately hung up the call .

Jisung took a few seconds or even minutes to consider what his father was saying . He blinked a few times and gasped . " WAIT MY FATHER IS COMING TO THE UNI " HE yelled and bolted up and stared at minho who was flinched when han shouted .

" ur father is coming .... here " minho said as he looked up at jisung . It was really an unexpected shock to both of them . Jisung held his head as he slid down the wall . " Gosh " he signed and looked at minho who stood up and walked towards him and sat next to him .

" What happened " minho asked softly as he looked at jisung . " I also don't know hyung . That psycho must done something that my father is worried " jisung said as he signed and  looked at minho who had his eyes wide .

" wait you mean that ex of yours did something . " he exclaimed . Jisung nodded . " papa didn't say what he did but he said he would talk to me in person . Means he is coming here . What I don't understand is what is the need of Yoon to approach my father " jisung said .

Minho looked as confused . Jisung leaned his head back at the wall and signed the nth time . " he is coming tmr . I didn't even say I have a boyfriend now "

" wait . You didn't say about me " minho said hurted and looked at jisung pouting . Jisung chuckled seeing the cute pout on his cute and handsome boyfriend . He simply pecked him and apologized . Minho's pout turned to smirked . Jisung saw what was coming he immediately covered his lips before minhos landed on his . Minho frowned as a response jisung shook his head as a No.  Minho pouted again as a whine left his pouty lips as jisung got up and walked out to freshen up .

Jisung could feel his hot tears mixing with the cold shower water . He tried hard not to recall anything but everything cane at once . How he met , how he fell in love , how the man changed slowly , how he became obsessed with jisung everything literally everything came . He couldn't bear inside anymore he broke down as hot tears ran down his cheeks along with the cold water .

He wiped his tears when he heard the older calling for him . He wore his normal clothes and went out as if he didn't cry his heart out . " yeah hyung , you called me " jisung asked minho who was sitting at the edge of the bed of jisungs room . He could literally see the sad of his beloved which got him to be worried .

" hyung , didn't something happened " jisung asked worridly not even noticing the things or ' pictures ' the older was holding . He sat next to minho as he placed his hand on minhos shoulder .

He followed the gaze where minho was looking only to regret . ' why did i even bring these with me ?' Jisung internally screamed .

" Hyung-" jisung was cut off by minho speaking after a while . " did you like him that much ?"


After jiusng left minho for shower , minho got bored and he also started to think about jisung's ex . He almost gagged at the thought of that person . He started to walk around the room and something caught his eye .

A green colored bag which was placed at top of the shelf which was situated to place books . He got curious . He reached the top effortlessly unless jisung who had a lot of struggling to even reach the third top of the shelf .

He sat at the edge of bed and unlocked the zip and opened . The bag was almost empty except a shiny gold covered item caught the eye of minho . He took it put and opened it only to feel sad maybe ........even jealous you may ask .

He held the pictures and looked at them . Every picture were of jisung and his ex smiling , holding hands . But what minho observed was when they both were smiling he could clearly see the fake smile plastered on jisungs pretty face . Some pictures caught his eye with only jisung in them . He literally swooned over how cute every picture of him looked . Middle school han was a baby .Some pictures were of him sleeping , some pictures smilling which was clearly fake . He signed . But minhos mind played tricks on him . His mind kept telling him that they look so good together .

His mind and heart were having an internal quarrel with each other . He held head and tried to control his emotion which actually worked . Minho noticed jisung took some time for his showers . He got worried so he called him .

After a few minutes , jisung entered the room . Minhos mind was completely blank only two question repeating in his mind . Did jisung liked him that much ? Even if he liked him that much but his smile was ............ fake . Why ? Minho was neither jealous nor sad but infact he is curious about the younger. He finally the question out which scrambled his brain .

" did you like him that much ?"

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