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" Hyunjin , your uncle is a cop right? I need your help " minho asked hyunjin who looked confused about why his hyung wanted his uncle help .

" Yeah, I am close with him but why are you asking hyung ?" Hyunjin asked . Instead of minho mingi answered his question . " You guys know about jisungs ex right ? He is troubling us " . Everybody looked shocked . " So the reason you came is because to deal with him pa " jeongin asked and got his reply by a nod of mingi .

" He posted a mail to my family . He posted picture of m-me n-na-naked and a letter threatening my f-father " jisung stuttered . He could hear silence until he heard someone say " I will kill him " in the most deadly tone .

Jisung looked up to see the maknae rushing to somewhere . " Oh that kid " jisung held his forehead . He could see hyunjin and minho rushing too .

He had no choice but to follow . He also stood up and noticed everybody were following too .

Meanwhile , jeongin rushed to find him.
Hyunjin also rushed behind . " Jeongin , baby wait ." Hyunjin begged jeongin to let it go but jeongin didn't budge .

Jeongin spotted a familiar face .

" YAHH , KANG JAE YOON " jeongin shouted and caught the attention of the person . Jeongin rolled his sleeves and walked to the person who was smirking .
Jeongin grabbed him by his hair and dragged him to somewhere not stopping even though he was hearing his pleas  .

Hyunjin just found him hot . Goddamn jeongin's rolled sleeves , his angry expression , his veins these things made hyunjin crazy .

He snapped off his daze when he heard a sound . He looked at jeongin smashing the guy's face in the wall . " Jeongin , what are you doing " ( why did I remember hyunjins meme . What are you doing ) .

" I am going to kill him " jeongin mumbled . Hyunjin tried to pull jeongin away but the younger was not budging at all .

Jeongin threw the guy on the ground ( everything I need is on the ground ~ I don't need him actually ) . Jeongin kneeled infront of him." You dare to threaten jisung with those edited pictures , huh . Then die " jeongin said with a sinister smile as if he is really planning his death .

Before jeongin could punch the guy jisung and the others arrived . They looked at the scene only to be shocked . They didn't expect jeongin who is Bubbly,  cute , baby of the group could be like a gangster .

" Jeongin , don't think of it " jisung warned even though he was shivering inside . " Ohhhh , my father in law arrived " the nasty guy said with a bloody smirk . A kick in his face. He looked up to see his exes boyfriend with a angered expression . " Yahhh , do you think I am a punching bag or something . You guys keep punching me endlessly . It really hurts " the guy shouted .

" YAHH , you don't have the right to say your hurt when you literally hurted jisung the most . Your pain is not even 0 percent of the pain he faced because of you " jeongin shouted and punched his nose Hard . Red liquid soon flowed down his nose .

" ME,  hurt him ? NEVER . I didn't hurt him at all . Am I right , hannie " he shouted and looked at jisung was hiding behind minho making his blood boil . Minho held jisungs hand to assure him . " Don't you dare look at him . " minho warned .

" Who are you to tell me that ?" He asked death glaring minho who returned the glare . Of course it effected him because his opponent is the lee minho .

He shivered looking at minhos eyes . They were dangerous . He is dangerous . " Well , I am his boyfriend and I don't want anyone who is a creep to look at him like that . " he said darkly .

He gulped . With a lot of courage , he said " well , do you know that girl . The one who send you letters .?" Yoon  said smirking . The colour on jisungs face slowly drained away as he processed what his ex was saying . He covered his wide open mouth with his hands .

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