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These days , minho ignored jisung . He didn't talk to him like he talked before , he wouldn't take a glance at him . Jisung tried so hard to just talk to him or just let him look at him but minho wouldn't budge at all .

Jisung would always greet him morning enthusiastically but minho didn't even see uim . He would coldly shove him off and pass past him .

" Gosh , can u stop ignoring me for God sake " jisung shouted at minho who is definitely trying to ignore his shoutings .
He just shrugged and ran past him .

' gosh did I do anything wrong . I think i should stop this . If he is ignoring me then I will also ignore him too ' jisung thought bur again added ' I can't ignore him ' .

Jisung went to the cafeteria after his loooooooong classes .

He was greeted by everyone . Yes , both gangs sit together now . They met each other for atleast 2 months now .

Minho is been ignoring jisung for 3 weeks now . Jisung sat at his seat which is across minho . He wanted to greet him but stopped when he noticed the cold glare from minho .

He began to eat his food stuffing his cheeks .

Suddenly felix spoke " OH MY GOSHHHHH , LOOK AT JISUNG ISNT HE THE CUTEST " more like shouting and squealing . Everybody turned to jisung and saw his cheeks filled with food looking like a squirrel .

Jeongin jumped on jisung making him flinch and yelp in pain.  " FINALLY , HYUNGG IS EATING . " Jeongin began shaking his legs in excitement and seungmin agreed to him " Yes, gosh it's been years you have been eating like that jisung " . Jisung got tensed when he remembered a certain memory. 

Seungmin shut his mouth and apologized " sorry jisung " he reached for his hand and started to carseeing it .

Jisung just told him he was fine but that was a lie and jeongin and seungmin understood that he was lying but they chose not to say anything because it can make the situation worse .

But nobody knows minho was going crazy inside . He was panicking . He Bagan thinking

' what's happening to me again and why am I reacting this way again .'

' why am I getting upset that seungmin is touching jisung 's hands . Shouldn't I be ignoring him . Shouldn't I be hating him . '

' I will ask hyunjin about this '

He noticed himself staring at jisung and heat rose to his cheeks and he flushed red in embrassment or something else .....

But something caught his attention " wait a minute , chan and seungmin are roommates , hyunjin and jeongin are roommates , jisung and minho are roommates and finally me and felix are roommates so that means we are a group of roommates friends . Wowww seriously this is like a fate " changbin exclaimed .

Everybody nodded in agreement well except minho who went deep into thoughts again .


Jisung was walking down in the hallway . He took his phone from his back pocket and started scrolling through insta .

He came across an account named ' lino.98'

@ Look at this hyunggg isnt he the hottest 😫Comments :

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@ Look at this hyunggg isnt he the hottest 😫
Comments :

@lino.98: this hyunjin dude just posted my picture without permission

Hyunjin.00 : sorry , but I wanted to post a picture becoz u never post anything eventhough u have insta and top of that u look hott hyunggg

lino.98: never ever post anything . I will never touch my insta . So be ready hyunjin . You are dead 💀.

While jisung was reading the comments of others suddenly he was grabbed by his left arm and in minutes he was trapped against a wall .

He looked and his eyes widened . Minho .

Jisung wanted to speak but minho shut him up " don't talk to me . Just go along with me " jisung hesitantly nodded . Just then he realized how close they both were .

Their chests were so close that even if they do a slight moments their chest would collide .

He observed the order's face and yeah he is handsome like an angel .

He looked away when minho caught him staring . His face turned red and not to mention minho's face tooo  . Looks like he going wild inside again .

' why did I drag him with me . I just wanted to escape those stupid fangirls that were chasing me when I told them to shoo off .'

' gosh . The same feeling . Whenever I look at him . '

His face started to heat up . His cheeks started to burn .

Jisung looked up and caught minho staring at him , his face inched away from his . His face started to heat up too . He bit his lower lip to not blush but he did .

Minho didn't even realize that he is staring at jisung for like 10 minutes . Jisung slightly got uncomfortable so he tried to move away but unexpected happened .

Minho grabbed him by his waist and leaned closer to his ear and whispered " just forget what happened today because I won't talk to you again and don't move . The girls are coming " he pulled back but still his face is too close .

Jisung looked at his feet trying to avoid the eye contact with minho .

Minho watched the girls coming this way.  ' GOSHH DONT THEY EVER STOPP CHASING ME ' Minho internally cursed .

He saw a girl coming towards them so on reflex he leaned even further . He placed his hand grabbing jisung's head and his other hand holding jisung's waist tightly . His forehead resting on jisung's neck or shoulder you assume .

Jisung looked up from the closeness but minho stopped him and whispered in his ear . The hot breath caught jisung off guard and he flinched when minho spoke " Don't look up . "

Jisung instantly looked down . His hands grabbing minho's shirt .

And boy he was flustered . Minho went crazy inside again.


Slowly minho lifted his head from jisung's neck and looked to see if there are anyone . Fortunately every girl left so he pushed jisung away from him and ran away leaving jisung confused with thoughts how ' What happened just now ' .

He reached for his pocket and then he realized ' my phone is missing ' . He frantically run to where he was before and he found it . ' thank God it didn't break ' .

He left to his dorm . He unlocked the door and went inside. 

He immediately rushed to his room because minho is in the dorm and he is having a panic attack from the earlier events but not only him . The other was having a panic attack when he heard the door open and close .


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