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' NO NO I SHOULDNT FALL IN LOVE AGAIN . COME ON JISUNG PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER ' Jisung internally cursed himself . A cough made him come back to reality .

" Hello , My name is han jisung nice to meet you " Jisung managed to stutter out a greeting. But what he didn't expect is the person walked past him without even greeting him .

' RUDE' jisung thought . He went back to his room to decorate his bedroom . He unpacked his decorative stuff and placed them according to his wish .

His bedroom

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His bedroom

He went to his table to write some lyrics . He placed his headphones which has some jazz music matching his vibe .

Meanwhile ..

Minho went to his bedroom to get dressed for his dance practice. 

This year , he will have juniors joining the dance . He wore a simple outfit containing a black oversized shirt with black baggy bottom

 He wore a simple outfit containing a black oversized shirt with black baggy bottom

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Refered outfit

He was going to canteen to eat his breakfast ofcourse . Suddenly his thoughts shifted to his roommate . Yeah minho thought jisung is cute but didn't admit .
' What am i thinking . He is just like others '

He thought and went outside .


Jisung's writing flow was disturbed by a phone call . He put his headphones down and picked his phone to see who was calling .

He smiled when he saw the contact of course its his bestest of the bestest friend

He lifted the call .

-" HELLO , JISUNGGGGG" A high pitched voice spoke as soon as he lifted the call .
-" Hello innie,  calm down please . My ears are bleeding " jisung calmed down jeongin .
- " Did you reach your dorm . I have just reached . Where are you I want to meet you " Jeongin rambled on and on .
- " Yeah . I already reached and decorated my bedroom . I will you in detail when I meet you . Okay . Meet me at the canteen we have to eat our breakfast okay " jisung answered jeongin .
-"okay bye sungie hyung " jeongin ended the call .

Admiring You - Minsung Where stories live. Discover now