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Jeongin rushed to the library . He saw jisung sitting at a desk but what jeongin noticed about his hyung is , jisung is dull for his liking.  He would just sit there and won't talk anything . He was extra worried .

He walked to his hyung and sat down next to him .

Jisung turned to jeongin but before he get to speak jeongin beat him to it .

" Hyung, what do you want to talk about ?" Jeongin asked with a concerned tone .

" Ohh, nothing innie . I just wanted to see you " jisung said laughing awkwardly. 

" Hyung you see me everyday " jeongin said frowning his eyebrows .

Jisung just awkwardly laughed . Then jeongin spoke . " Hyung , can you give me your phone " jeongin asked .

" why?" Jisung asked confusingly and tilted his head . Jeongin just laughed at his adorable hyung .

" just give me please " jeongin said and jisung gave his phone . Jeongin searched up his name on jisung's phone .

He got confused because jisung saved him as ' INNIE ♡' but that didn't appear . Instead a rather familiar name appeared. 

" hyung , whose number is this ?" Jeongin said showing the contact name .

" oh it's your jeongin . That contact is yours " jisung said who got confused by jeongin asking his own number .

" hyung , but what kind of name is this " jeongin said who frowned his eyebrows.

" what . ' Baby Bread ' is so cute . It suits you so much " jisung said . " hyung who said this name to you " jeongin asked remembering hyunjin say this name .

Jisung answered with " Oh its hyunjin. He said it suits you so much . He liked that name . Baby bread is cute just like you . " jisung said who smiled at his adorable brother .

Jeongin malfunctioned . What ? Hyunjin said that ? He said he likes to eat Baby bread . Who is the baby bre- ' wait a minute that's ME ' .

Jeongin face became bright red within minutes . His cheeks , his total entire face heated up . He tried hard not to blush . He rubbed his palms over his cheeks to try not to blush but didn't work .

Jeongin hid his face in jisung's shoulder . He snuggled upto his neck. Jisung got surprised by this action . " jeongin , what happened ?" Jisung asked .

" N-nothing hyung " jeongin tried to convince the older but jisung didn't budge at all .

Instead he said something which made jeongin bolt up straight and blush red .
" innie , do you like hyunjin" .

" W-wh-what N-no-no i - I do-dont " jeongin mentally slapped himself from stuttering . " but your stuttering is telling something else innie " jisung said with a huge smirk plastered on his face .

Jeongin face heated up even more . " Uggg I don't know . " jeongin admitted . Jisung just signed and spoke . " so do you feel nervous around him " " Yes "

" do you feel something tingling in your stomach when he does something for you "

" Yes "

" do you feel safe around him "

" yes "

" do you feel sad when someone tries to flirt or hit on him "

" Ugg, I think so "

" You love him . Confirm " jisung said with a wide smile . Jeongin just stared at jisung not blinking at all . " innie , hello . Earth to jeongin " jisung called jeongin by waving his hand around jeongin face .

Jeongin just blinked multiple times and came back to reality . Him? fall in love ? How is that even possible ?

" Omg I can't imagine you loving someone " jisung said with a smirk and spoke with teasing tone . Jeongin just got shy and snuggled upto jisung neck .

Jisung just chuckled seeing his adorable brother being shy . Jeongin just snuggled even more unaware that two pair of eyes are watching him and jisung .

" Gosh !! Hyunjin stop looking at him like that as if-" minho was cut off by hyunjin . Hyunjin just turned to look at minho with the same expression . Damn , ' Scary' minho thought .

" Hyung , don't act like you are not getting jealous . I can clearly see your stupid veins pooping out of your skin " hyunjin said in a deep voice which actually scared minho for a bit .

' remind everyone to not to make hyunjin jealous . ' minho thought as he shivered when he remembered the look .

" Well , I can't help it . They just randomly come out " minho said with a blank expression .

They both looked back at jisung and jeongin but surprise surprise their position changed .

Now jeongin is trying hard to hold his laugh and there is blushing red jisung trying to hit jeongin playfully .

" Hyung , you really do like minho hyung " jeongin said between his laughs . " As if you don't like hyunjin " jisung countered back which immediately shut jeongin from laughing and go to blushing .

" Gosh !! I can't take it anymore . Minho doesn't like me . He hates me instead . So I am just ignoring him . I just want these feelings to vanish . " jisung said as he frowned .

" Hyung , why don't you give it a try . Maybe minho hyung likes you back ." Jeongin tried to comfort his broken hyung . " I just don't know innie . I don't think he will like me back . "

Jeongin just pulled jisung by his shoulders and hugged him close . Jisung just buried his head on jeongin neck .

But for a moment , a force or a hand pulled jeongin by his arm and dragged him outside of the library .

Even after a few minutes , jeongin couldn't register what happened . He shook his head and looked at the force .


" H-hyung , w-what are y-you do-doing . Le-let me g-go h-hyung " jeongin manged to form some words after his shock .

Hyunjin suddenly stopped in the way which caused jeongin to bump his head on hyunjin wide shoulders .

Hyunjin loosened his grip on jeongin arms and looked at jeongin whose face was readable .


Hyunjin signed . Without uttering a word hyunjin left jeongin who is standing in the middle of hallway looking absolutely confused .

Jeongin tilted his head . Huh? What happened just now ?

He turned his head behind as he heard a familiar voice screaming his name . " JEONGIN" jisung came running towards jeongin . He stopped and grabbed his knees panting .

" Innie , just what happened " jisung asked after he calmed down . " Honestly , I also don't know hyung . He just dragged me here . He didn't even say a word and left me here . " jeongin said with a frown.


He closed the door of the dorm and signed . He closed his eyes and remembering the past incidents . ' Just why did I do that ?' He questioned himself .

' Gosh !! Like minho hyung said , I am really a possessive and jealous guy ' hyunjin again signed .

He walked back to his room and flopped himself on his bed . " Maybe , I just can't bear someone being too close to him . I an just jealous that he is not like that to me " He mumbled to himself .

He shook his head trying to get rid of those thoughts and tried to get some sleep but his mind was thinking about certain someone cute confused face . He smiled to himself thinking how jeongin's confused look was too adorable .

" I am crazy about him . Aren't I?" He smiled widely which kinda made him look like a phycopath and maniac but he didn't care about that . To him , jeongin is the most precious human to ever exist who needs a lot of attention and care .

" I will confess to him soon "



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