003. rene .

feb. 6, 2024.

2:15 p.m.

"This is outrageous!!" Peri slammed his fist on the front desk, all of us sitting awkwardly. "In the past two weeks alone, there have been 564 reports of sudden deaths from aneurysms!! That's no coincidence, and I'll be damned if you try to tell me it's not planned!!"

What he's saying might've made sense if we were in an action movie. Aneurysms aren't exactly an uncommon occurrence. I think. But how could someone even cause someone to have an aneurysm? That just doesn't make any sense. 

The room fell silent as Peri continued to glare at Yan, who seemed caught off guard by the sudden outburst. I exchanged uneasy glances with the others in the room, unsure of how to react. Peri was known for his passionate demeanor, but this was on a whole new level.

"Sir, I understand your concern, but we take these matters seriously," Yan stammered, attempting to regain control of the situation. "Sudden deaths from aneurysms can be tragic, but it's essential not to jump to conclusions. We are working with the appropriate authorities to investigate these incidents thoroughly."

Peri scoffed and leaned in closer, his eyes narrowing. "Investigate? You've been investigating for two weeks, and the death toll keeps rising!"

The receptionist sighed, realizing that this was no ordinary complaint. "Sir, we assure you that we are doing everything in our power to address the situation. However, we need concrete evidence to make a meaningful investigation. Aneurysms can occur naturally, and attributing them all to foul play without proof is premature."

Peri scoffed again, his frustration bubbling over. "Premature? How many more people need to die before you consider it more than premature? My sister was healthy as a damn horse, and she dropped dead out of nowhere! You call that natural?!"

Yan, sensing the escalating tension, took a deep breath. "I assure you, sir, we're not turning a blind eye. But also, I'm just a nurse, so I don't exactly know much about this case.."

Peri's eyes narrowed further, but after a moment of contemplation, he grunted. "You better make damn sure you find something. I won't rest until I know what's happening and who's responsible."

Yan nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "We appreciate your vigilance, sir. Rest assured, we will do everything in our power to get to the bottom of this."

Peri shooed her off, and Yan quickly left. 

Ryan raised his hand. "With all due respect, sir, I don't think this is something the police alone could figure out.. we could always hire detectives. I'm sure B and V would solve it in the blink of an eye, but no one really knows how to contact them, so uh.."

Peri glared at Ryan, unamused. "If anything, I'd rather have V solve it for us. I've heard B is a pain to work with."


I slumped in my chair, thinking. Everyone knows who B and V are. They're renowned detectives who have managed to solve every case they've taken up. But no one knows their names, what they look like, hell, even what they sound like. 

That, and also they only work on cases that they choose to. So even if we could find a way to contact them, it's not like we can demand them to solve it for us.

Peri rubbed his temples, his frustration still palpable. "Look, I don't care who solves it, as long as someone does. I want answers, and I want them fast. Ryan, search the medical files of the recently reported victims. Rene, just.. do something"


I grunted, flipping over in my bed, the room only illuminated by my phone light.

B and V. There has to be some way to contact them. Maybe not both, but just one would be great. Hell, it can be B, even if they're rumored to be a pain in the ass.

I opened Google. 

🔎 are there any known ways to contact detectives b and v? |

Renowned for their unparalleled record in solving cases, Detectives B and V remain elusive figures, shrouded in mystery. Rumors suggest they only take on cases they choose, making contact near impossible. However, some sources speculate on indirect means or channels to reach out to these enigmatic detectives. Experts discuss the likelihood of contacting them and whether there are any known avenues to communicate with B or V.

Detectives B and V: Myth or Reality? | Experts Weigh In

Damn it. That's not helpful at all.

🔎 claims of people who have met detectives b and v |

While many claim to have encountered the elusive Detectives B and V, concrete evidence or firsthand accounts are scarce. The mystery surrounding their identities and methods has led to various anecdotes and speculations. Some alleged witnesses share their experiences and interactions with B and V, shedding light on the enigmatic detectives' approach to solving cases and their demeanor during investigations.

Meeting Detectives B and V: Fact or Fiction? | Stories from Those Who Claim to Have Crossed Paths

This is so stupid. I clicked the link anyway.

I skimmed through, trying to find any words that catch my eye.

 Those who have claimed to met B have described them as manic, childish, and unserious. That said, B has managed to solve every case they've come across, so we aren't sure how reliable that information is. Despite the conflicting descriptions of B, their track record in solving cases remains impeccable. Some attribute their success to an unconventional approach that defies traditional investigative methods. B's demeanor may appear erratic and carefree, but beneath that facade lies an astute mind capable of dissecting complexities others overlook.

The disparity between perception and performance has sparked debates among colleagues. Some argue that B's demeanor is a deliberate disguise—a strategy to disarm suspects and lull them into a false sense of security. Others dismiss this theory, attributing B's success solely to luck or happenstance.

As the debate rages on, one thing remains certain: B's unorthodox methods continue to yield results. While skeptics question their reliability, there's an undeniable allure to B's enigmatic persona that keeps drawing attention to their every move in the investigative world.

Well, that doesn't give me any leads at all. What's with everyone hating on B, anyway? They can't be that bad.

Those who have crossed paths with V often paint a picture of a meticulous, composed, and serious individual. Their demeanor exudes an air of professionalism, leaving little room for the whimsical or carefree. V boasts an impeccable record of solving every case thrown their way.

V's reputation is built on a foundation of methodical and calculated approaches to investigations. The juxtaposition between perception and performance becomes a central point of discussion among those familiar with V's work. Some argue that V's serious demeanor serves as a strategic advantage, instilling a sense of gravity that can unnerve suspects and witnesses alike. Others insist that V's success is a result of their adherence to tried-and-true investigative methodologies, dismissing any notions of unconventional tactics.

Okay, still nothing. This entire thing is bullshit. I bet they aren't even real.

I grumbled, shutting off my phone and flopping onto my back.

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