019. ryan .

mar. 11, 2024.

1:30 p.m.

Twilight is such a stupid book, and I hate it because I can't stop reading it. I'm only on the first book, but I watched the movies when I was younger.

Maybe I'm reading it because it reminds me how pathetic I am that the girl I like is my boss now and I need to satisfy my romantic fantasies somehow, but it's still good.

I sighed, closing my book and looking around my apartment. My parents moved to Virginia and left me here in Nevada after they found out I had to stay in highschool for my job, so I've been living alone for a good 4 years now. I'm about to graduate highschool for a second time now. 

I graduate May 5th, which is dangerously close now that I'm thinking about it. I don't understand how I was the one who got stuck eternally redoing highschool until I'm too old to pass as a highschooler anymore when I'm the hardest working one on my team, but at least I met Viraliya because of it.

I need to stop with Viraliya. I'm pretty sure she hates me.

I opened my phone, opening the DoorDash app. I'm hungry. I don't even know what I want, though. 

I raised an eyebrow as there was a knock on my door. I haven't even started to place an order yet, what the hell?

I stood up, walking over to my door. I raised my eyebrows. Viraliya stood at my doorstep, looking completely out of it. "Help."

I stood there completely speechless for more than a few seconds, struggling to come up with a reply. "I— how do you know where I live?" 

"I know everything." she pushed me aside, walking into my apartment. "Help."

I blinked in disbelief as she barged in, a mix of confusion and surprise washing over me. She seemed distressed — no shit, she just broke in with no explanation. Of course somethings wrong.

"Help with what?" I stammered. "And seriously, how do you know where I live?"

She ignored my questions, pacing back and forth with an agitated energy. "I need your help, okay? There's something going on, and I don't know who else to turn to."

"Um... with what?"

She sighed, her shoulders slumping as she looked at me with an expression I couldn't read. "Bella's mad at me. She's not ignoring me anymore, but she's being really short with everything."

Bella's mad at her? In what world? "Why?"

"I told her I don't want her to go to college."

We stood there in awkward silence for a moment. "Why?"

"It'd expose us."


"You sure love to ask a lot of questions, don't you?" she scrunched her face up. "I just don't want her going. But she told me she was telling me, and it wasn't up for discussion, so maybe I'm the one at fault here, but I also think she's being childish."

It took a moment for everything to register. Bella, someone who I thought was incapable of holding a grudge against anyone, especially Viraliya of all people, was mad at her.

"Why come to me for this?" I asked, still processing the situation.

"You're the only one I can trust right now. And I don't know, I thought maybe you could offer some insight."

I scratched my head, feeling a bit overwhelmed. "Insight? I'm stuck in a highschool time-loop at 21, I'm not the one to go to for this."

Viraliya frowned, her agitation growing. "You know I exist, so you're already ahead of most people."

I wasn't sure whether to take that as a compliment or not. "Breaking into my apartment is not the best way to seek advice."

"Fine, I get it. I shouldn't have come here like this. I'm just desperate, okay?"

I couldn't deny that Viraliya seemed genuinely troubled, but the situation was way beyond my comfort zone. "Maybe you should talk to Bella directly. Communication is key, right?"

"She shoved that key up her asshole."

I stifled a laugh, clearing my throat. "Uh, okay. Maybe you could—"

"Frat party."

"Excuse me?"

"She loves those things." she moved her hair behind her shoulder. "I'll take her to one. Surely it's not that hard to get invited. Just need a mutual friend." she glanced at me.

I shuffled awkwardly. "I don't know why you're looking at me like that."


I blinked. "Rene?"

She looked up at me dead in the eye. "You're going to help me get invited to one of those parties. Preferably one you can bring a plus one to."

"Is that safe?" I stammered. "I mean, you're V, not to sound overly cautious, but—"

"Do you think I go around telling people that I'm V?" she crossed her arms.

"No." I sighed. "I'm just worried."

She sighed in frustration. "I get it. But I need this. I need to fix things with Bella. Can you just help me with this one thing?"

I hesitated, unsure of the risks involved, but her desperation was palpable. "Fine. I'll help you get invited to a frat party, but I want you to promise me that you won't do anything dangerous or reveal your identity. Keep it low-key."

She raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Are we talking about me or Bella?"

I laughed. "Okay, maybe you're right. But just promise, okay?"

She nodded. "I promise. Just get me that invitation, and I'll handle the rest. You won't even have to come to the party if you don't want to."

"No, I'll come with you." Shit, that came out wrong.

She blinked. "Oh. Okay."

I mentally facepalmed at my slip-up. Smooth, real smooth.

Viraliya studied me for a moment, that same blank expression she always has on her face. I can never tell if she's judging me or just has a resting bitch face. "You know, I didn't take you for the party type."

"I'm not." I quickly retorted. "I just don't want you causing trouble."

"Well aren't you the responsible one?" she mused. "I'm giving you until the end of the day. Get me an invitation." she turned around.

"What?! You're kidding, right?!" I raised my eyebrows. "Rene never responds to my texts!"

"Call him." she winked at me before leaving and shutting the door behind her.

Wait, did she just—

That cheeky bastard. 

I sighed, opening my phone to text Rene.

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