032. molly .

apr. 6, 2024.

12:30 a.m.

I tiredly held my coffee mug in my hands, feeling my eyes droop. Ryan woke me up on one of the few mornings I get to sleep in because of an emergency, and now we're waiting for V to show up.

Ryan anxiously bounced his leg up and down, biting the tip of his pen. I raised an eyebrow, tracing the rim of my mug with my finger mindlessly.

V burst into the room, panting. She gripped the doorframe, panic written all over her face. "Ghosts are real!!" 

I choked on my coffee. Peri shot up from his chair. "What?!"

"I saw— I saw one, in the Luxor," she sputtered, failing to grasp her words. "I think it— I think she took Rene! I can't go there alone, we need to go, and maybe bring an exorcist, are those even real?!"

Lyra and I exchanged glances. "Okay, okay, calm down," I said, trying to soothe her escalating panic. "Let's go over this step by step. You say you saw a ghost in the Luxor? And you think it took Rene?"

V nodded frantically, "Yes, yes! I was just checking out the renovations, and then I saw her, this little girl, in the fourth bathroom stall."

Peri grabbed his phone. "I'll contact the The Luxor to shut down the casino for investigation. Ryan, start up the car designated for our team."

Ryan nodded, grabbing his phone and heading out the door without saying a word. Lyra tapped her foot against the ground, crossing her arms. "Are you sure you saw a ghost? It's pretty early, you might be tired."

V shot a glare at Lyra. "I went to put my hand on her shoulder and it went straight through her body."

She blinked. "Oh."

Peri cleared his throat. "They're closing down. By the time we get there we should be free to investigate. Let's get in the car with Ryan."

We rushed to the car, adrenaline replacing the fatigue that had weighed me down just moments ago. Ryan was already behind the wheel, his expression serious as he navigated the vehicle through the early morning traffic. Peri sat beside him, furiously typing on his phone, coordinating with the Luxor's management to ensure we could conduct our investigation unhindered.

Me, Lyra, and V sat in the back seat, V still visibly shaken by her encounter. I glanced at her, noting the pallor of her complexion and the tremble in her hands.

The drive to the Luxor felt interminable, each passing minute laden with anticipation and uncertainty. As we pulled up to the entrance, the imposing structure loomed before us, casting its shadow over the surrounding landscape. The sight sent a shiver down my spine, but there was no turning back now.

We entered the building, greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of a bustling casino, albeit subdued in the early hours of the morning. Peri led the way, his confident stride belying the tension that crackled in the air. Security personnel watched us warily as we made our way to the designated area where V had encountered the apparition.

The fourth bathroom stall stood before us, innocuous yet imbued with a sense of dread. V hesitated for a moment before steeling herself and pushing the door open. The stall was empty, its pristine interior offering no clues to the events that had transpired earlier.

"We need to search the area," Peri declared, his voice firm. "Split up and comb through every inch of this place. We need to find any evidence of paranormal activity."

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