039. ryan .

apr. 19, 2024.

6:17 a.m.

This is insane. This is actually fucking insane.

I bolted down the hallway, the footsteps of our entire squad echoing behind me. 

"I saw her go to the therapy room!" Molly yelled. We all immediately turned towards the hallway that led to the area.

Adrenaline surged through my veins as we sprinted towards the therapy room. The urgency in Molly's voice fueled our determination. Every step felt like a leap, our hearts pounding in sync with the rapid rhythm of our feet.

As we approached the therapy room, the air seemed to grow heavier with anticipation. The door loomed ahead like a barrier between us and whatever awaited inside. With a quick nod exchanged between us, I pushed the door open, revealing a scene that froze us in our tracks.

Lyra was hyperventilating, curled up in the corner, tears staining her cheeks as she held a paper and pen in hand. "Don't come any closer! I swear!"

Peri raised his gun. "I can't believe this! To think we trusted you in— shit!!" his gun clattered to the ground, and he gripped his head, stumbling backwards.

"Chief!!" Me and Rene yelled in unison at the same time. 

He breathed heavily. "Go on—" he inhaled a sharp breath, falling to the ground. "Without me!"

"Are you kidding?! That's insane!" I yelled. My heart dropped as a loud, guttural scream erupted through the room. I turned around, watching Rene collapse to the ground, his hand pressed firmly to his head to the point his knuckles were white.

"You bitch!" I screamed in Lyra's direction. 

"Ryan!" Viraliya screamed, holding Molly's limp body in her arms. Holy shit, I think I'm going to throw up.

"Die!" Lyra cried out, stabbing her pen through her paper. "Why won't you die?!"

"Maybe because Ryan isn't my fucking name!" I yelled, pulling out my gun and aiming it at her. She screamed, dropping her pen to the ground.

"No!" Viraliya screamed, stealing the gun from my hands. "You killed my sister. I'm going to kill you." she stepped forward, standing above Lyra.

"You can't do this! I've done so much for all of you!" 

"How will a dead body speak?" Viraliya asked in a low voice, pressing her gun to Lyra's forehead.

"No! Stop it—!"

I covered my ears as a loud gunshot echoed throughout the room.

The room fell silent, save for the heavy panting and the ringing in my ears. I slowly lowered my hands from my ears, my heart pounding in my chest like a drumbeat of dread. The acrid scent of gunpowder hung thick in the air, mingling with the metallic tang of fear.

Viraliya stood there, her hand trembling as she held the gun, her gaze fixed on Lyra's lifeless form slumped on the floor. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the blood that pooled around Lyra's head.

Viraliya turned around, Lyra's blood splattered on her face. "Help." she whispered. 

Morana placed her hand on my shoulder, and suddenly I could see an apparition with an identical face to Morana hovering over Lyra. I blinked in surprise. "Huh?"

The apparition, presumably Harshita, whipped her head around. "You!"

"You're not supposed to be here." Morana whispered, running her fingers along Harshita's cheek. Harshita backed against the wall, frozen in fear. "I killed you. You're supposed to be dead." she tossed Viraliya her gun, not moving her gaze from Harshita. "Destroy it."

"What?" Viraliya asked, horror dawning on her face as she realized. "Wait— no, I can't!"

"I'm her Yorishiro." she shoved Harshita against the wall. "Kill me, now!" she demanded. 

Her hands trembled. "But how? How the hell do I destroy a gun?!"

"Figure it out!"

Viraliya's hands shook as she stared down at the gun in her grasp, the weight of Morana's words heavy on her shoulders. She glanced around the room, searching desperately for any means to carry out Morana's command.

My mind raced, trying to comprehend the chaos unfolding before me. Morana's apparition, the revelation of a Yorishiro, and the task Viraliya now faced—it was all too much to process in the midst of the tension-filled air.

"Viraliya, you have to do it," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "We don't have much time."

She nodded, determination flickering in her eyes despite the fear that gripped her. With trembling hands, she turned the gun over, slamming it to the ground as it broke into several pieces.

"Goodbye, Harshita." Morana said in a disturbingly calm voice as she began to fade away. "I hope you rot in hell."

"No!" Harshita screamed. "Stop! You can't do this to me!" she slipped onto the floor, fading away along with Morana. 

Me and Viraliya both watched until they faded into nothing but a pile of gowns and a tiara on the floor.

"I—" I began.

"I love you." Viraliya blurted out.

I blinked once. Twice. "Excuse me?"

She turned towards me. "I said I love you."

"Are you confessing to me in a room of dead bodies?" I shuffled awkwardly, scratching the back of my head. "I mean, I'm flattered, but—"

"Take it or leave it." she glared at me.

I stood there, dumbfounded, before stepping forward, bringing my hand to cup her cheek. "You're so sexy, with your fucked up in the head ass."

"Never say that again." she narrowed her eyes, looking up at me.

"Sorry." I laughed, leaning down, trailing my gaze from her eyes to her lips. "This is really creepy, you know that?"

"I can't think of anything more romantic than confessing after solving a case."

"That's so weird." I smiled, backing her against the wall. "I'm trying really hard to take this seriously, but I'm kind of freaked out right now."

"That's okay." she grabbed my face, pulling me down and pecking me on the lips. "I'll call someone to take care of the bodies."

I stood there at loss for words as she walked out of the room. I furrowed my brows in confusion, bringing the tips of my fingers to my lips.

Holy shit. She just kissed me. 

I turned around. 

In front of dead people. Damn, that's creepy. Red flag, much?

It's alright, I'm colorblind anyway.

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