030. ryan .

apr. 5, 2024.

6:01 p.m.

I don't think Rene is coming back. It's been a long time since we've heard from him. 

I shoved all my unfinished folders into my bag, sighing as I watched everyone slowly leave the office one by one.

I swung my bag over my shoulder, running my hand through my hair. It finally wasn't freezing cold anymore. April is my favorite month.

I saw Viraliya was getting ready to head out the door, and I quickly grabbed her arm. "Kate."

She tensed up, slowly turning around and looking up at me. "Hey?"

"Walk home with me?" I asked, but it was more of a statement than a question.

She pressed her lips together, seemingly studying my intentions before speaking up. "Okay."

We stepped out into the fading sunlight, the streets alive with tourists and streetwalkers attempting to scam visitors into paying for photos. The air was crisp, carrying the promise of spring, and I felt a sense of renewal despite the lingering worry about Rene.

As we walked side by side, Viraliya remained quiet, her thoughts seemingly elsewhere. I wanted to ask her about Rene, to voice the concern that gnawed at the back of my mind, but the words stuck in my throat. Instead, we walked in silence, the only sound the soft shuffle of our footsteps against the pavement.

Viraliya finally spoke up, her voice breaking the silence. "Do you think he's okay?"

I glanced at her, not even needing to ask who she was referring to. "I don't know," I admitted, the weight of uncertainty heavy in my chest. "But I hope so."

She nodded. "We'll find him."

I nodded in turn, and as I turned the corner, she stopped. I turned my head, puzzled. "You not going home?"

She shook her head. "I'm, um, gonna visit the cemetery."

I felt my facial expression drop. "Oh. I can come with you."

She hesitated for a moment before giving me a weak smile. "Okay."

We walked together in silence, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken thoughts and emotions. The cemetery was a peaceful place, bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun. As we walked among the rows of gravestones, Viraliya finally stopped at a particular spot, kneeling down in front of it.

I stood a few steps behind her, giving her some space, but offering my silent support. I studied the gravestone, a frown forming on my face as I took it in.

Bella Morandi

Nov. 9, 1999 — Mar. 9, 2024

After a moment, she stood up, wiping her eyes with her arm.

We stood there for a few more moments, before eventually turning around and making our way out.

The fading sunlight cast long shadows as we walked away from the cemetery, leaving behind the quiet serenity of the resting place. Viraliya remained lost in her thoughts, her expression somber and distant.

I cleared my throat. "How can I help?"

"What?" she looked up at me, her expression unreadable.

I bit my cheek. "I mean, like... what do you like to do?"

"I like to read."

"Then I'll buy you a book. I'll buy you ten books. Hell, I'll even buy you twenty books."

"You don't need to do that." she looked away.

I shook my head. "I want to. It's the least I can do."

She sighed, her shoulders relaxing a fraction. "Thank you." 

We continued walking, the weight of the day's events still heavy on our minds. But there was also a glimmer of something else - a sense of solidarity, of shared understanding, that helped to ease the burden, if only slightly.

As we reached the end of the street, I turned to Viraliya. "Do you want to grab dinner? I'll pay."

"That's okay." she shook her head. "I usually cook food myself. I try to stay healthy somewhat." she cringed at her own words.

I smiled softly. "That sounds good. Maybe another time then."

Viraliya nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Yeah, another time."

We exchanged a brief goodbye, and I watched her walk off in the direction of her home. 

I laid in my bed, scrolling mindlessly on my phone, not really paying any attention to what was on my screen. I feel somewhat responsible for Rene's disappearance. If I had pressed more into why he was leaving so suddenly, maybe he wouldn't be missing.

Deaths happen at The Luxor all the time. And of course there's the weirdos that associate The Luxor with paranormal activity, but that's a far stretch. 

As I lay there, my mind wandered back to Rene's sudden departure from the place that day. His behavior had been strange, almost as if he was carrying some heavy burden he couldn't share. I replayed our interactions in my mind, trying to pinpoint any signs that could have indicated his intentions. But everything seemed normal, mundane even.

I shook my head, trying to push away the guilt that threatened to consume me. Rene's disappearance wasn't my fault. I couldn't have known what was going on in his mind, no matter how much I wished I could have helped him.

The thought of the Luxor brought a shiver down my spine. It was a place shrouded in mystery and superstition, with whispers of strange occurrences and unexplained phenomena. While I didn't subscribe to the belief in paranormal activity, there was no denying the eerie atmosphere that surrounded the iconic pyramid-shaped hotel.

I sighed, feeling a sense of unease settle over me. It was going to be a long night, filled with restless thoughts and unanswered questions. But as exhaustion finally began to tug at my eyelids, I forced myself to let go, if only for a few hours, and drifted off into a fitful sleep.

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