007. bella .

feb. 8, 2024.

7:21 p.m.

Short guy. Short guy. Short guy. Hard to miss him, he's short. 

Uhhh, fuck. Where is he. 


I spun around. "Oh! Reha!!" I grinned stupidly, handing him a box. "I put my heart and soul into making these."

He raised an eyebrow, taking the box from me and opening it. His facial expression immediately dropped. "What the fuck are these?"

"You said to satanize some kitchen utensils for you." 

"I said..." he inhaled heavily. Oh, fuck, I messed up. "SANITIZE!!!!"

Holy shit. Oh my god. I think I'm about to start laughing so hard that my ass fucking shoots up to outer space. 

I stifled a laugh, covering my mouth with my hand. 

"Sanitize, Bella! I said sanitize, not summon the dark forces into my kitchen!" Reha exclaimed, examining the poor barbie heads I lopped off to make the straws.

"My bad! I must have misheard you." I burst into laughter.

"Misheard? Seriously?!" he clenched his fists, staring up at me.

"Don't take this personally, but I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake right now."

He pressed his lips together, saying nothing. Damn, he looks like he wants to fucking kill me right now. 

"..whatever. If Matt doesn't take these I'm going to kill you." he walked past me with the box, as to which I followed him.

"Sooo, how's college life? Anything like the movies?" I grinned.

He grumbled. "Not at all."

Reha stormed ahead, muttering under his breath about the horrors I had unleashed upon his innocent kitchen. I skipped along beside him, because nothing is nicer to see than a grown buff woman skipping like a child.

"So, Reha," I nudged him playfully, "what's college life really like? Spill the tea. I've been in highschool for 9 years."

He shot me a withering glare. "It's not like the movies, Bella. There are no spontaneous dance parties in the middle of lectures, no secret societies, and definitely no hookups with professors."

"What about hookups with non-professors?"

"Probably not as often as the media claims."

I feigned disappointment. "That's a fucking buzzkill. Late-night adventures? Anything remotely exciting??"

"Late-night adventures usually involve smoking weed because we all hate our lives." he deadpanned.


Reha sighed. "You have no idea."

As we walked into the kitchen, loud music blaring so loud I couldn't even hear myself think, Reha approached some random guy who I presume to be Matt. 

"What's with the box?" A tall guy with a perpetually raised eyebrow, asked.

He kinda looks like what I'd imagine a drumstick to look like if it became a person. Why is his face so long? Scratch that, he looks like a mentally ill giraffe.  

"Courtesy of Bella's misinterpretation skills," Reha muttered, handing over the ill-fated package.

Matt opened it, and his eyes widened at the straws. "What the fuck is this?"

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