012. viraliya .

feb. 15, 2024.

9:35 a.m.

Reha Aryal.

Henry Rowan.

Matt Tolman.

Molly Sanchez.

Lyra Herzig.

Andrew Rice.

Bella Morandi.

Varian Duran.

The list goes on. I really don't want to do this, but everyone at that party is a suspect.

Although, I'm 90% sure that Lyra is Aneri. And she's probably working with that Benjamin guy. She gave me her number, didn't she?

I opened my notes on my phone, scrolling through the dozens of numbers people gave me that I never ended up saving.



hey, this is miri from yesterday

can we meet up? i want to tell you something.



hi !!

sure ! do you wanna get coffee or smth ?



10:00. just across the street from the police.

I didn't really give her any time to get ready, but it's alright. I don't look very presentable either.

I'm putting my life on the line right now just to prove something.

Aneri, I don't know how you kill. Nor do I know what your motives are. But I'm going to have your identity exposed, even if it costs me my life. 

I sat in the very back of the coffee shop, where the least amount of people were. I'm sure she'll find me, the place isn't that big.

I sat with my arms folded, waiting for her to walk through the door.

There she is. She walked in wearing a lacy black dress. How is she not freezing her ass off?

She scanned the room before spotting me, walking towards me and sitting across from me. 

As she sat down, she laid her hands on her lap. "Are you not going to order anything? We're at a coffee shop, are we not?" she smiled, but it feels more as if she's mocking me than anything else.

"I'm not interested in the coffee right now, I'm interested in you."

She paused. "You said you're not gay."

"That's not what I mean." I leaned forward, lowering my voice. "I said I had to tell you something. Can you keep a secret?"

"I suppose."

"I am V."

Her eyebrows raised. She was silent for a few seconds, seemingly contemplating how to respond. Not unexpected, although I'm not sure how anyone would respond since she's now the first person to know my identity aside from Bella.

"Really? That's cool. I didn't even suspect that."

The way she talks is so methodical that it's irritating. Like she feels she's better than me. "I've done research on you since we met yesterday. You know about the Aneri Case, no?"

She nodded. "I do. My husband works with the police, so I know bits and pieces."

"You seem like a smart girl. You're in a prestigious college as well." I leaned forward. "If you want to work with me on the case, I'm open to it."

She stared at me in silence for a while, probably assuming I'm baiting her. I am, but I have a plan. I just need her to agree to it.

I continued to stare at Lyra, gauging her reaction. Her expression remained unreadable, and I couldn't discern whether she was genuinely considering my proposition or just playing along.

Finally, she leaned back in her chair, a smirk playing on her lips. "Interesting offer, V. But why would I want to work with you? What's in it for me?"

I took a deep breath, choosing my words carefully. "The Aneri Case is more complex than you think. I believe we can uncover the truth together, and you might find it beneficial in more ways than one."

Lyra chuckled, crossing her legs. "Beneficial, huh? You're not exactly offering a compelling incentive. What's your plan?"

I leaned in, my voice barely above a whisper. "You have connections to the police. Your husband, Benjamin, has files on the case because of his job."

Before Lyra could react, I quickly added, "And I know about your involvement in some shady activities. The police might not have caught onto you yet, but I have my ways of digging deeper."

I never read anything about her being involved in shady activities. I'm bluffing.

Her smirk faded, replaced by a hint of concern. "What are you talking about?"

"I have evidence, Lyra. I can expose everything if I want to," I said with confidence, even though it was fake. It was a gamble, but I needed her to believe that I held some leverage.

She leaned into her seat, narrowing her eyes. "You're bluffing."

"Am I?" I replied, maintaining eye contact. "How do you think I knew about your connection with Benjamin? I have my sources. If you don't cooperate, your secrets might not stay hidden for long."

She stared at me for a good while before responding. "What's the real reason you're trying to get me involved?"

I knew she was smart enough for this. She's only making herself more suspicious now. It's a 95% chance now. "I believe you're Aneri. It's only a 5% chance, though." 

She stifled a laugh. "You think I'm Aneri?" she smiled. "So, am I supposed to work with you to prove my innocence?"

"Yes, I suppose that would be my motive." I replied. 

Lyra's smile widened, and she leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. "You've got quite the imagination, Miri. Accusing me of being Aneri? That's bold."

I maintained my composure, meeting her gaze squarely. "Bold moves are necessary in this game, especially when lives are at stake. I have my reasons to suspect you, Lyra, and I need someone with your connections to help me uncover the truth."

She tilted her head, studying me intently. "And what makes you think I'd be interested in playing detective with you?"

"You're majoring in criminal justice."

"Fair." she exhaled. "I guess I can work with you, if it means I'll be cleared."

"Great." a smirk tugged at the corner of my lips. "I change my number every few days, so don't text me and expect me to respond. I'll text you from whatever number I happen to have at the moment when I feel it's necessary."

She nodded.

"And please, call me Kate." I added on. I use Miri too often, it could be traced back to my real identity and then I'd be fucked. 

She nodded, extending her hand to me. "I look forward to working with you, Kate."

I shook her hand. "Likewise."

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