013. rene .

feb. 20, 2024.

12:30 p.m.

We have two new members of the police. There's Molly, then Lyra. 

Molly's a cool guy. I like him. He said he's working with us to get revenge on Aneri for killing his sister. 

Then there's Lyra, she's only here by courtesy of V. They said they're suspicious of her, which, I guess makes sense since she's married to Mr. Herzig, but she's more of a bother than anything. And V told us to withhold information from her to see how she responds to certain situations. Her being here just seems like it's unnecessary.

The stuff Lyra wears kind of terrifies me, to be honest. It's February and we're all freezing our asses off, but everyday she pulls up wearing some skimpy dress.

Okay, maybe skimpy isn't the right word. But you get it.

Chief Peri is starting to get fed up with B and V. Especially V now that Lyra's here. He's angry we're putting our lives on the line while they do absolutely nothing.

"Molly," the chief began, pinching his nose. "Check the funeral homes files for time of death by aneurysm. B requested we do so."

"Of course." he nodded, opening his laptop. 

I feel like I'm not even wanted here. I honestly hope Aneri finds me and gives me an aneurysm. I guess that's one thing me and Lyra have in common. 

The Chief's computer rang, only adding to his frustration. "It's V." 

I raised an eyebrow, turning my focus to the screen. Lyra was the only one who seemed not to care whenever V called us. B, however, was a different story.

"Greetings," V spoke through their voice changer. "I have another task for you all. I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd all—"

"Actually, I'm not sure we want to work with you anymore."

The room went dead silent. Everyone just stared at the Chief with dumbfound faces. He continued, "It's hardly fair that you know everything about us and nothing about you. If we can't meet you face to face, you're going to have to work on this case alone."

"...I figured something like this would happen." 

Chief's face was visibly annoyed. "Yeah, so show yourself."

"I understand your concerns, Chief Peri. However, revealing myself is not part of the arrangement. Our methods are unconventional, but they yield results."

The Chief leaned forward, his frustration evident. "Results? We're risking our lives out here, and you're playing some mysterious game. We need transparency, V."

Everyone else in the room was listening in awkwardly. 

V's voice remained calm. "Chief Peri, our cooperation has been beneficial to both parties. I assure you, my intentions are aligned with the resolution of this case."

"We need more than assurances, V. We need to know who we're dealing with."

The room was filled with an uneasy silence as V contemplated the request. "...I guess it can't be helped, then." V sighed, although with the voice changer it sounded rather odd. "I hate to take your time on Saturday, but I suppose I could book a hotel to meet in."

Still doesn't want us to know anything about them, huh. Can't even know where they live. 

"...Fair. You have a deal."

"I'll call you again when I have more details." V said, ending the call before anything else could be said. God, V and B are so annoying about that.

Chief Peri looked around the room, the tension palpable. Ryan and I exchanged glances, unsure of what to make of the sudden turn of events. The atmosphere in the room felt heavier than before, and it was clear that the dynamics within the team were shifting.

The Chief, still visibly frustrated, turned to address us. "Alright. We need to stay focused on the task at hand."

Usually I'd say I hate my fucking job, but I'm actually stoked to meet V and possibly B.

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