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"Get in the closet," Minho said while shoving his brother Jeongin in the closet. Jeongin cried as he climbed over the piles of shoe boxes and dirty clothes. "Get in that corner," Minho whispered. Jeongin pushed a pile of clothes aside so he could fit in the corner. Minho grabbed clothes from the pile and started to cover Jeongin. "It's okay, stop crying." He tried to console his brother. After Jeongin was covered, Minho climbed in the closet with him. He sunk into the pile of clothes and closed the closet door.

The screams and gunshots overwhelmed them as they hid from the intruders. "Cover your ears," Minho told Jeongin. Jeongin covered his ears like he was told and cried into the pile of clothes. Minho covered his ears, but he couldn't escape the gunshots. His hands shook, and his teeth chattered. The gunshots came to a stop, along with the screams. His breath caught in his throat. Only silence was left behind.

They waited in the closet until they smelled smoke creeping into their bedroom. Minho jumped up and pushed the closet doors open. He poked his head out of the closet and looked down at the orange light peeking underneath the bedroom door. He quickly turned to Jeongin. "Come on, we have to go." He said to him as he helped pull his brother out of the pile of laundry.

Minho peeled back the bedroom curtains and opened the window. He threw his fist and busted the screen out. He let Jeongin leave first. After Jeongin had made it out safely, Minho had turned back to his bedroom, searching for pictures or anything left of his family to take with him. He panicked when he couldn't find anything. The smoke had filled the air, making it hard to see and breathe. He found a family picture poking out of his school book bag. He snatched the photo and climbed out the window to meet his brother.

The grass was wet beneath his feet. And the air was crisp cold. Minho shivered and covered his arms with his hands as he searched for his brother. "Jeongin!" Minho called. He did a full circle around the house and still couldn't find his brother. He stopped in the driveway and fell to his knees, tears trickled down his face as the realization hit him. His parents were dead, and now his brother.

Something hard and cold like metal made contact with the back of his head. He hit the ground as the darkness swallowed him.


The blindfold was pulled from his face before he was thrown into a room. He stumbled in as his eyes struggled to adjust to the light. A few unrecognizable faces came into view. They all shared the same disoriented expression. None of them knew each other, but they all had a feeling that they would have to. The room was full of beds, one for each boy. There were very few dressers for storage, and there was a bathroom to the left as you walked in. It almost looked like a cabin.

As Minho checked his surroundings, he happened to notice a small boy huddled up on one of the beds. His knees pulled to his chest as he cried. He wore a dinosaur shirt and matching pajama pants. Similar to the outfit Jeongin wore when the attack happened.

"Jeongin?" Minho called out. He had a feeling that the boy was not his brother, but his name left his mouth before he could stop himself. To Minho's surprise, the small boy lifted his head. He locked eyes with his brother. Jeongin's face lit up as he jumped up from the bed and rushed to hug his brother. Minho wrapped his arms around Jeongin and squeezed him tightly. Even through the midst of the chaos, they smiled. They were grateful that both of their lives were spared.

10 years later

"Today is the day you will be assigned your new victims." Chan said with a stack of white papers in his hands. Minho's eyes darted to the papers. He wondered how many names would be on the paper this time. "You must have all of them dead by the end of the season, or you will be terminated from your position and sent to -"

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