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Two weeks have passed, and we've come out empty-handed. The night after the battle, we returned to the battlefield to find nothing. No vehicles or dead bodies, just dead grass and blackened dirt. Someone had come back and cleaned the mess up, but who?

Me and Jisung have been on the road ever since. Searching every house, hoping to find any sign of them, but there was none. I can tell Jisung is starting to lose hope.

"You know what house we haven't checked yet?" I asked Jisung. He turned and looked at me while eating the burger he had just bought. His tired eyes met mine, and I felt bad for him. I didn't even have to tell him for him to know what house I was talking about. He dropped his sandwich on his lap and turned the car back on.


I turned and stuck my fingers into the pet carrier. "It's okay," I tried to reassure Minho's cats as we pulled out of the gas station parking lot. Jisung buckled himself up halfway down the road, and I shook my head in disbelief. I'm surprised we haven't been pulled over yet.

Jisung was quiet the whole time, and it was making me anxious. I never know what he's thinking these days. He looks so tired and sleep deprived, and I bet I do, too.

After an hour long drive, we arrived at the gate, and I could see the group house in the distance. Jisung poked his head out the window and typed the numbers into the keypad. The gates opened, and we made our way up the driveway towards the house.

Jisung didn't waste no time parking the car and getting out. I quickly jumped out of the car with him, I grabbed my gun as Jisung cautiously approached the front door. The house looked just like how we left it that night. I had a strong feeling that this house was just as empty as all the other houses.

Jisung removed a stone on the wall, revealing a key to the front door behind it. He grabbed the key and watched his back as he unlocked the door. He cursed under his breath. "What is it?" I asked him.

"The locks have been changed," he replied before throwing the key on the ground. He ran his hands through his hair and stepped off the porch. "Doesn't that mean somebody was here?" I asked him. He shrugged and sat down on the porch step. He was pissed off, and I could tell. "Somebody changed the lock. They could be in there!" I said.

"Who's in there, Alice?" He asked me.

"The others!"

"You know what, maybe they are." He said sarcastically. He stood back up and approached the front door again. "Hello, is anyone there?!" He asked after knocking a few times. He looked at me, "Let's go over to the window and see if we can find them." He said sarcastically. I shook my head slowly as he knocked on the window. "Hello!" Jisung shouted.

"Jisung, stop!" I said.

"Anyone there?!" He banged on the window again.


I could hear a car engine approaching not too far behind us. "Jisung!" I tried to get his attention. He turned and met my eyes. "They're not here!" He shouted at me. A bike engine revved up behind us, and I turned to see two black cars and three bikes pulling up the driveway.

Jisung finally noticed.

It was too late to hide.

"Hands up!" Someone shouted. I dropped my gun as the cars pulled up behind our car. Me and Jisung held both our hands up and surrendered. A bike pulled up beside me, and a man quickly stepped off of it.

He stared at me for a few seconds. He stumbled back in shock. The two other bikes pulled up beside me as well. I watched the man pull his helmet off. And my legs almost gave out, "Oh my god." I said. I jumped into his arms and didn't let go. "Oh, thank god," Minho said. I breathed in his scent, and I felt myself relax for the first time in a long time.

He grabbed my face and kissed it over and over again. I placed my hands over his and closed my eyes as his lips met with mine. After we had our moment, he turned to Jisung. Jisung approached Minho with tears in his eyes, and they embraced each other.

The two other men on the bikes removed their helmets, and I choked on a breath. "Oh my god!" I watched him get off his bike and began limping over to me. I touched his face to see if he was real, and his skin was warm against my fingertips. "Oh, Jeongin," I cried before bringing him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me, and I sobbed. "I thought you were dead!" I said.

"I was close to it," he said.

I pulled away and touched his face again to see if he was still real. I cried and kissed him on the cheek like a mother who had just found her missing child. Hyunjin hung his helmet on his bike and approached me.

I let go of Jeongin and hugged Hyunjin. "I knew you'd still be alive," he said to me. I chuckled and watched as the others got out of the car.

Changbin stepped out, and I couldn't wait to be greeted by one of his hugs again. We hugged, and then I awkwardly hugged Seungmin. Chan stepped out of one of the cars, and I ran into his arms. He wrapped his arms around me, picked me up off my feet, and spun me around. "I missed you!" I cried.

"Not as much as I missed you," he said, and I laughed. There was one last person in the car, and I wasn't expecting anyone else. That's when I saw his blonde hair and bright smile. I felt my heart finally piecing back together.

"Oh my god, Felix!" I said, and I rushed over to him. We hugged, and it felt nice to hear him laugh again. "You look like you've seen a ghost," He said.

"No shit," I said.

After our reunion, I turned to Minho. "Jinyoung?" I asked him, and he nodded slowly. "He's dead," he told me, and to say I was surprised was an understatement. "He is?" I asked in disbelief. And he nodded, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his around my waist. "We have so much to catch up on," I said, and he laughed.

"We do," he said.

We shared a much needed kiss, and I felt completely again.

The Assassin •Lee Minho•Where stories live. Discover now