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My three days with Minho were over, and I couldn't be happier to get out of that house and away from him. We haven't talked or seen each other since that night. Anytime I would go downstairs to get something to eat, he was either outside, in his office, or in the bathroom. He's been avoiding me... and I can't really blame him after the stunt that I pulled.

Chan pulled up in the driveway and parked his car beside Minho's. Minho stood beside me, holding my bag. Chan got out of the car and smiled when he saw me. I smiled as he approached us. "How's it going?" Chan asked me as he grabbed my bag from Minho's hand.

"It's going great," I replied.

Chan smiled and glanced at Minho, but Minho wouldn't meet his eyes. "Okay," Chan said before walking back to the car with my bag.

Minho looked around and checked to see if there was anyone watching. I watched as he looked over at Chan to make sure he wasn't looking either. He grabbed a handful of my hair and brought my lips to his, catching me by surprise.

He kissed me... hard.

Chan turned around to put something in the passenger seat. I pushed Minho away before Chan could see. Minho stood up straight and put his clasped his hands behind his back. I pressed my cold hands against my reddened cheeks to try and calm myself down.

"You ready?" Chan asked me. The sun was hitting him in the face, practically blinding him. "Yes!" I said. I made my way to his car without saying bye to Minho. I quickly hopped in the passenger seat and buckled myself.

Chan and Minho exchanged a few words before Chan finally hopped in the car. We started to back out of the driveway as Minho made his way back inside.

"Are you sure everything's good?" Chan asked me as we hit the road. I glanced at him, "Yeah, everything is okay." I reassured him. I had a feeling he didn't believe me with the look he had on his face.

He kissed me back...

What does this mean?


"Uno," I placed the last card in my deck on the table. "Dang it," Chan chuckled. I shook my head at him and looked down. "You just let me win because I suck ass at this game." I said.

"No, you don't," he said.

"Liar," I said before getting up from the table. "Where are you going?" He asked me. I looked at him, "Just the bathroom." I replied. He nodded and started gathering all the cards. I left him and went to the bathroom to freshen up. It's my second night here, and it's been really great so far. We've watched movies and played video games to pass the time. It's a much better stay than Minho and Jisung's.

I'm just wondering when this will all be over and I can feel safe again.

I close the door behind me and look in the mirror. I look exhausted with dark circles under my eyes. But, what's new? I finished using the bathroom and was ready to head back, but I stopped myself.

My hand hovered over the door handle as I heard rustling outside the bathroom window. My heart jumped in my chest. I turned off the bathroom light and slowly turned the door handle. I opened the door and peeked my head out. Chan glanced over at me from the kitchen table.

The Assassin •Lee Minho•Where stories live. Discover now