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After a three hour blindfolded car ride, we made it to their destination. The drive was very quiet. I was put in between two men in the back seat. The whole time, I worried about Chan. And I didn't know why... I guess I've grown somewhat close to him.

It really confused me how Namjoon stood up for me against those four creeps. The red clan seems to have a bad reputation amongst the clans, and I expected the worst.

"Watch your step,"

I stepped out of the car and onto the ground. The two guys led me inside, where it smelled of men. I could hear laughter and music all around me, like I had just entered a nightclub. We walked and walked through a big group of people. Then we took a right into a room where I had to walk down a flight of stairs blindfolded. Thankfully, the two men guiding me were able to keep me from falling.

Once we made it to the bottom of the stairs, I sat down in a chair where I was then tied up. My heart raced as they tightened the ropes. I was surrounded by total darkness. The blindfold was screwing with my senses. I tried to keep myself as calm as possible.

"Okay," Namjoon mumbled. I could hear a few unfamiliar voices following after Namjoons. "Just make sure you get everything on camera," Namjoon said. My heart fell to my stomach when I heard those words. He's leaving me with people I don't even know, people I haven't even seen before.

I worried what they would do to me after the stunts that were pulled before.

"Just bring her to the medic when you're done, alright."

I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the psychological torture I would have to go through.


I lay on the table, my muscles shaking from exhaustion. I stared at the wall as the doctor applied medicine to my wounds. My face was dry and sticky from the tears, and my breath was slow.

They carved twenty-two lines on my back with a pocket knife while I screamed and cried to the top of my lungs.

They laughed...

And they recorded every bit of it.

Just so Namjoon could send the footage to Chan and the others.

This is payback for killing those men who attacked me that night. I don't think Namjoon has any intention of killing me. He just likes revenge and torturing me while everyone watches, is his way of revenge...

The doctor finished taking care of my wounds. "Would you like help sitting up?" He asked me. I nodded in response. I couldn't speak. All the screaming and crying for help destroyed my voice. He helped me sit up on the table, and he was very gentle with me, unlike the others.

I sniffled as he handed me a shirt.

He watched me as I put the shirt on over my bandages. I pushed my hair behind my ears and met his eyes.

"I'm sorry this is happening to you." He said to me.

I glanced down at his name tag.


He reached into his coat and pulled out a bottle of painkillers. He popped to pills out and handed them to me. "I'm not supposed to give you these," he said to me. He grabbed his cup that he carried with him in here and handed it to me. "It's just water," he said.

I smiled and bowed my head to him in respect. I took the pills and sighed in relief as I looked up the ceiling light. What a joy to be alive...

It's a nice little doctors office they have here in this mansion. It's got a sink for the doctor to wash their hands and cabinets for storage. He reached into the cabinet and pulled out a bag of chips.

"Here, you should never take painkillers on an empty stomach." He said to me. I didn't feel that hungry, but I also didn't want to feel sick afterward, so I took the chips and ate them quickly while taking sips of water.

"Which clan were you taken from?" He asked me.

"The white clan?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"The golden?"

The golden clan? There's another clan that I don't know about? I shook my head in response. "What about the black clan?" He asked me. I nodded, and he smiled. "They've always been the mysterious ones." He said with a laugh. "I always wanted to be in the back clan, but I wasn't fit for the part." He said.

We sat there for a few moments in silence. I thought about the times that I spent with the black clan. I wondered how all the clans saw the black clan. Hoseok thinks of them as dark, mysterious, and unpredictable.

"Namjoon is a good guy. He takes good care of his group, even if most of them don't deserve it. Right now, he's just trying to protect his group, and you're a dangerous threat to us,"

"If Jin-young finds out you're alive, it won't just be death to the black clan. It'll be death to the red clan because we were involved." He said.

I could be the reason this whole organization collapses...

"I know a way to get you out of here and back to the black clan." He said to me. I gasped and almost dropped the bag of chips on the floor. "I don't usually do this for hostages but I have a hunch." He laughed as if getting me out of here wasn't a death wish.


I was given a room where I could sleep and where I would be guarded until my next round of torture would begin. There was no bathroom. Just a bed in an empty room with a clock hanging over the bedroom door. The windows had bars on them to keep me from sneaking out.

Hoseok said when the clock hits 12:00am, I need to ask the guard for a bathroom break. And the guard will sneak me out of this hell hole and back to the others in once piece.

I trust him.

I sat on the bed watching the clock tick from 9:30pm to 11:58pm. I stood up from the bed and paced back and forth at the door, waiting for my cue. I dreamed about how things could be when this is all over. If I'll ever get to see my mom again. And how my relationship with Minho and the others would be. If we would be friends or total strangers...

But then again...

It's just a dream.

I knocked on the door.

"Is it another bathroom break?" The guard on the other side asked.

I smiled.

"Yes, please."

The Assassin •Lee Minho•Where stories live. Discover now