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It's been three days since they found me. Since then, I have been taking antibiotics for the infected cuts on my back. And also painkillers for all my wounds. I rest at Minho's house while the others work to take down Jin-young and protect me from any more danger. Everyone has been taking shifts, watching me, and taking care of me. I haven't seen Minho for the past two days. He's gone on a mad mission with the others, taking down most of the red clan and slowly but surely making his way to Jin-young.

"I'm gonna take a shower," I told Changbin. He was watching a movie on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in his lap. He set the bowl to the side and helped me down the stairs. "Why didn't you ask me to help you?" He asked me when he saw I was already halfway down the stairs. "It's okay," I told him as I limped my way over to the bathroom. He shook his head and sat back down on the couch.

"Scream if you need me," he said.

"Yep," I closed the door behind me and placed my clothes on the counter. I cringed at my reflection and reached for my hairbrush. I wish I could cover up the mirror until I'm finished showering, but I can't. I finish brushing my hair, and I finally jump in the shower. My cuts burn as the water touches my skin. I try to ignore the pain as I wash my hair and then my body. I avoid running the soap over my cuts.

After getting out of the shower, I open the window to let some of the steam out, and I get dressed. I don't really have my own clothes. I've been wearing the guys' clothes. Whoever is kind enough to lend a pair of their clothes. Minho is usually the one who does.

I leave the bathroom and make my way into the kitchen. I pulled a box of brownies out of the cabinet and started baking. Changbin kept checking his phone and occasionally glancing over at me. After mixing the ingredients together, I pop the brownies into the oven and make my way back upstairs.

"Let me help you," Changbin said.

"Nah, I'm okay." I told him.

"Minho is gonna be pissed at me if I don't help you." He said.

"No, he won't." I replied as I made my way up the stairs one step at a time. I managed to make it to the top without falling. I removed the sheets from the bed and threw them down the stairs. "What the hell are you doing?" Changbin asked me.

"Washing the sheets," I replied.

"Why?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and made my way down the stairs again. I gripped onto the railing to support myself. "You need to rest," He said.

"I been rotting on that bed for three days now, I think I'm good." I told him.

As I was picking the sheets off of the floor, the front door opened, and Chan walked in. After him was Hyunjin, then Felix, then Seungmin, then Jeongin, then Jisung, and then a few guys from the white clan. They looked at me as I was picking up the blankets off of the floor, and then they turned to Changbin.

"She wouldn't let me help her," Changbin said.

They shook their heads. Chan bent down to help me. "What are you doing?" Chan asked me. Chan slapped my hand away when I tried to take the sheets from his hands. I huffed and turned away from him. He made his way to the laundry room. I made my way back to the kitchen and poured me a glass of wine as I waited on the brownies.

The front door opened again, and in walked Minho. I felt nervous when I saw him. He looked so good in his black t-shirt and black jeans. I couldn't look away from him. His eyes searched the room looking for me, and then his eyes landed on me. Our eyes locked, and I quickly looked away. So much for trying to admire him. I sipped on the wine as everyone talked about their mission to Changbin.

Felix and Hyunjin entered the kitchen. Hyunjin bent down and looked in the oven at the brownies cooking. "Brownies," he said excitedly. Felix smiled at me as he entered the kitchen. I forced a smile back and looked down at the wine in my glass. He grabbed water from the fridge and left the kitchen with Hyunjin.

I glanced over at everyone, only to see Minho approaching me. I quickly looked away again and took another sip of my wine. I felt him beside me, and I avoided his gaze. He didn't say anything, yet I could feel the tension. The air was thick. I stared at the counter in front of me and took deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves.

How does he have this power over me?

I felt my breath catch in my throat when I felt his fingertips brush against mine under the kitchen counter. He kept glancing over at the others, making sure they weren't looking. He gently took my hand, interlocked out fingers. I took another sip of wine. My heart was beating so fast.

He ran his thumb over my hand, soothing me and claiming my nerves.

What are we?

I've learned that it is forbidden for an assassin to care for someone. To have feelings for someone. To even have a relationship with someone. And he knows this...

He pulls away from me as one of the white clan members walks into the kitchen. I didn't want him to let go, but I know he had to. I clenched my fist and finished the wine in my glass. He leaves my side and makes his way back to the living room where everyone was sitting.

"Have you guys made any progress?" I asked the white clan member. He slowly turned around. "Are you talking to me?" He asked me. I nodded as I poured more wine into my glass. "Yeah, we've taken down four red clan bases so far." He replied.

"That's great," I said un enthusiastically. He laughed awkwardly and stood there for a few moments in silence before leaving the kitchen.

I shook my head and downed the wine I had just poured.

The Assassin •Lee Minho•Where stories live. Discover now