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We made it back to the house safely. Chan and the others stopped by the grocery store while me and Minho went sightseeing. It felt nice to go out and breathe fresh air. Everyone entered the kitchen from the garage and set the grocery bags on the counter. I stood by the garage door, waiting for one of them to tell me to go back to the room or just shoo me away.

But they didn't.

They talked about their ride into town and everything they did while they were out. As I was standing there, Felix walked up to me with two grocery bags. He had a big smile on his face. I was confused and worried about what he had in the bag. He opened the bags, allowing me to look inside.

They were both full of baking ingredients. "Oh my gosh," I said as I reached in the bag to grab the chocolate chips. "I should show you my brownie recipe." He said. Minho, Hyunjin, and Jisung peeked over Felix's shoulders and looked in the bags.

"Why?" I asked.

"Something to keep you busy," Minho replied.

I glanced into his eyes, and he looked away. I sighed and took the bags from Felix's hands. I moved past them and placed the bags on the kitchen counter. I dusted my hands off on my pants and looked up at the various kitchen cabinets that surrounded me. Everyone was silent as they watched me. I crossed my arms and took a walk around the kitchen, examining everything.

The kitchen sink was full of dirty dishes, and the counters were covered in food crumbs and mysterious stains. It was a disaster.

I bent over and opened the cabinet under the sink. To my surprise, there was a container of sanitizing wipes under the counter and an unused bottle of dish soap. I pulled the supplies out from under the counter and set them beside the sink. I opened the container of wipes and grabbed a few of them.

"You don't have to clean the kitchen." Chan said.

I turned around and put my hand on my hip. "Well, nobody else is gonna do it," I huffed. Everyone was shocked by my attitude. Jeongin and Seungmin were smirking at the tone of my voice. "You can help me if you'd like," I said to everyone.

"I mean... it is your house," I said.

Hyunjin, Changbin, Jisung, and Seungmin all left the kitchen to avoid helping me. Chan sighed and looked over at Minho and then Jeongin and then Felix.

Minho grabbed a broom from the closet and started sweeping. Jeongin started collecting the trash that littered the kitchen counters. Felix took the trash out and replaced the trash bag with a new one. Chan grabbed the disinfectant wipes and started wiping off the counters.

Are they listening to me?

What is happening?

I didn't ask any questions. I turned around and started washing the dishes. Chan wiped the counters off next to me so I could set the clean dishes on them, and Minho swept and mopped the floor around my feet. Jeongin and Felix started tackling the fridge, throwing out old food. They would set dirty tupperware containers in the sink as I was dishes. Felix would apologize, and Jeongin would laugh.

After about fifteen minutes, everyone was finished with their jobs, but I was still washing dishes. Jeongin had left the kitchen to go play gta with the others in the living room. Chan was admiring the clean kitchen with a big smile on his face. Felix was already pulling baking supplies out and wasn't waiting on me to finish the dishes.

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