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I haven't gotten out of bed since that day. I keep asking myself the same question over and over again. "What's the point?". I've been eating here and there but not enough to keep me going. I wish I had the strength and will to live like everyone else. It's just not that easy anymore.

I missed the old days when I was unaware of the crazy things happening all around me. I missed the old days when it was me, Mom, and Dad in our little double wide house and our three acre yard. The yard that I would catch fireflies on. The yard that my dad would have bonfires on. And the yard that we would watch fireworks on.

It's nice to reminisce. Reminiscing is the only thing keeping me going right now.

The white walls and black sheets are all I know now. I wake up every day now, hoping that today will be the day that they finally decide to kill me.

As I'm lying there rotting away under the bedsheets, the door opens. I expect it to be Chan or Jeongin bringing me food, but the door slams behind them. They turn the lights on, blinding me. I groan and pull the sheets over my head.

"Get up," Minho's voice catches me by surprise.


"Don't make me repeat myself." He said.

"You won't do anything," I said.

There was silence, and I had thought he had given up. I relaxed and rested my eyes, expecting him to leave. Instead of leaving, he pulls the sheets off of me. I shriek like a vampire being exposed to the sunlight.

"Get up and put your shoes on." He said to me.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.



"Bout damn time," Minho said as I entered the kitchen, fresh out of the shower in a hoodie and pajama pants. I was scared of where he was going to take me. He stood in the kitchen with a black shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans, and black gloves. He wasn't the only one in the kitchen. Everyone else was waiting for me as well. They were dressed about the same as Minho. All in black, looking dangerous and mysterious.

Their eyes landed on me when I emerged from the basement.

"Come on," Minho said.

I cautiously followed him into the garage. Everyone following close behind me. The garage was packed full, unlike last time when it was empty. Just my truck and Minho's motorcycle.

I stood near the doorway, watching as everyone mounted their motorcycles. Minho stood at his motorcycle, messing with something in the trunk. He grabbed a spare helmet and looked over at me. "Get over here," he said to me.

I was hesitant.

He huffed and marched over to me. He grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the motorcycle. I stood near his motorcycle, looking at everyone as they put on their helmets. "Look at me," Minho ordered. I turned and met his eyes. He slid a helmet over my head without warning. I looked up so he could buckle the helmet and tighten the strap. My heart was racing the whole time.

The Assassin •Lee Minho•Where stories live. Discover now