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I took a brisk shower and then did my makeup. I didn't know how much time I had, so I was rushing with everything. I managed to get ready in just thirty minutes. That's a world record for me. I usually stand in the shower for an hour, pondering life. I slid the black dress on. It was a stretchy spaghetti strap dress. It stopped mid thigh, and I was constantly pulling it down over my thighs.

I worried if the heels would fit my tiny feet. I crossed my fingers and slid them on without much effort. I let out a sigh of relief. I tested them out by pacing back and forth in the room.

As I was testing them, there was a knock on the door. I froze, and all of sudden, I felt sick. "You can come in." I said to them. The door opened, and it was Jeongin once again. He looked down at my dress and then back to my eyes.

"Come on," he said.

We left the basement and entered the kitchen. The counters had platters of food professionally displayed in front of us. There was wine and other expensive alcohol bottles sitting on the counters as well.

Hyunjin and Felix stood in the kitchen  with two unfamiliar faces. The two men wore white suits. I locked eyes with one of them. They looked like they knew something. They both were young and very handsome. I tore my eyes from them and continued following Jeongin through the kitchen.

We entered the foyer where more unfamiliar faces were. I was practically shaking at this point. I spotted Chan chatting with two very sophisticated, young men. He was laughing and enjoying himself.

We entered the living room. It smelled of cologne and champagne. There were men in fancy attire everywhere. Some wore red, and some wore white . They look so lavish sitting on the leather sofa with glasses of clear liquid resting in their hands. I was silently judging everyone.

But that wasn't the only thing. There were other women in short dresses. Their faces caked with makeup. Some were sitting on the men's laps, and some were serving glasses of champagne.

I looked around the room, hoping to find a familiar face. I got quite a few stares as Jeongin led me through the crowd of people. For some reason, I thought they recognized me, and thats why they were looking at me. But they were only checking me out.

Jeongin pushed through the crowd until we made it to a table. That was where Minho was sitting. He had his back to us. He was talking with Jisung, Changbin, and a few other guys that I didn't recognize. He was sipping on a bottle of water, nodding to whatever Jisung was saying.

Jeongin coughed, making himself known to the group. Everyone turned to us. They hardly paid Jeongin any attention. None of them tried to hide the fact that they were checking me out.

"You finally getting some action, Jeongin?" One of the unfamiliar faces asked him. Jeongin forced a laugh, and it was obvious it was fake. "No," he simply replied. He gently shoved me towards Minho. I was very tense, and they all could tell. I forced a smile and looked down at the floor.

"What's your name?" One of them asked me. Minho, Jisung, and Changbin's eyes darted to me.

"Anna," I replied pretty quickly.

"How old are you?" The other one asked. I forced myself to meet their eyes. "Twenty-three," I lied. They were both quiet for a few moments, looking me up and down. I was getting nervous. "Do you go to college?" One of them asked me.

The Assassin •Lee Minho•Where stories live. Discover now