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"What happened?" Minho asked as he reached Chan. He was tied up to the coffee table with his hands behind his back. He had been shot in the leg and was bleeding out. Felix and Minho were rushing to his aid with little supplies. Jisung and Jeongin led a search through the house. "They took her," Chan said, grunting in pain as Felix applied pressure to the gunshot wound. Minho felt sick to his stomach after hearing the news. "I'm sorry -" Minho shook his head at Chan, "Don't be, everything's going to be fine." Minho said. But he had a strong feeling that he wasn't ever going to see Alice alive again.

"Clear," Jeongin said after leaving the guest bedroom. Hyunjin burst through the back door after sweeping the backyard.

"Clear," he said.


"Please, from brother to brother. I'm begging you," Felix grabbed Jake's shoulder. Jake searched Felix's puffy eyes and turned to his leader. Jungwon met Jake's gaze. At first, they didn't believe Chan or Minho's pleas for help. This supposed death mission that they were going on about for the last thirty minutes was actually real and serious.

"Please, you want Jin-young dead as much as we do," Chan said.

Jungwon looked at Chan and glanced down at this leg injury. His eyes drifted to Minho, who was standing in the corner of the room staring off into space. He looked tired like he hadn't slept in days. He wasn't the only one who looked miserable. Everyone in the room looked miserable, aside from Jungwon and his group.

Before Jungwon could say anything, Jisung appeared at the door with a laptop in his hand. Chan had told Jungwon that Jisung was hacking into the red clans systems, hoping to find anything that would help them get Alice back.

Everyone turned to him.

"There's a video," he said.

Minho moved from the corner of the room to Jisung in two steps. Felix and Chan rushed to Jisung as well. Jungwon watched as they crowded around Jisung, so desperate to find out if she is still alive. "No," Jisung held the computer out of Minho's reach.

"Hand me the fucking computer, Jisung" Minho said.

Jisung shook his head and put his hand on Minho's chest to keep him from getting any closer. "Back up," Jisung warned Minho.

Minho lunged for Jisung, but Jeongin and Chan kept him from getting to Jisung. Jungwon watched as they yelled and shouted at one another over a video, and it finally clicked in his head.

"Enough!" Jungwon shouted.

Chan and Jeongin were both out of breath trying to hold Minho back. Changbin and Hyunjin had to step in and help while Felix and Seungmin stood in front of Jisung, protecting him from Minho.

"You are willing to fight one of your own over some... girl?" Jungwon asked.

"Why don't we watch the video together?" Jungwon asked them. He held his hand out and waved Jisung over. Jisung pushed past everyone and reluctantly handed over his computer. Jungwon took the computer and connected it to the tv. Everyone eyes flickered to the flat screen, and watched silently.

"Is it recording?"


The camera man pans the camera from his feet to a table in front of him. There, Alice lay on her stomach with her bare back to the camera. Gut-wrenching screams could be heard as they carved lines in her back. Blood dripped down her back and onto the floor.

"Keep screaming, and we'll add more!" The guy on the video said.

Hyunjin turned away from the TV, finding it too hard to watch. Felix covered his mouth in shock as he watched the horrific video. Jisung looked over at Minho, who looked like a ticking time bomb. Jisung turned to Jeongin, and they shared a worrisome glance.

Minho pulled out of Chan and Jeongin's grip and stormed downstairs into the armory room. Jungwon paused the video and looked at Chan. Chan was about to go after Minho, but Jeongin stopped him.

"Don't," Jeongin warned him.

Jisung looked between Jeongin and Chan with worried eyes. Without a second a thought, he pushed past Jeongin and made his way downstairs. "I'm going with him," Jisung told them.

Minho gathered enough ammo together to protect himself. He strapped himself in body armor and threw on his signature biker jacket. Jisung entered the room, and Minho didn't even throw him a glance. Jisung could practically see the steam blowing off of Minho. Minho grabbed the sniper off the wall and examined the weapon, checking it for ammo.

Jisung strapped himself in body armor as well and began loading his pistol and a shotgun.

"What are you doing?" Minho asked Jisung while laying out a variety of weapons in front of him.

"I'm going with you,"

"No, you're not,"

"Do you hear something?" Jisung asked, ignoring Minho's words. Minho side eyed Jisung and grabbed the weapons he prepared. Minho shook his head and made his way back upstairs. Jisung hurried behind him.

Jeongin was waiting at the top of the stairs. "I'm going too," he said to Minho. Minho shook his head and made his way outside into the pouring rain with Jisung following him. Jeongin was already dressed, and his bike was ready to go. Minho put the bag of weapons on his bike and turned to Jisung and Jeongin, who were now on their bikes.

"You're not going!" Minho shouted.

"You're not going to kill yourself trying to save her, brother!" Jeongin's voice roared, and it caught Jisung by surprise. Minho approached his brother and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"You are staying here, I can't lose someone else that I care about!" Minho said.

Jeongin shoved his brother off of him. "I can't lose you, brother!" Jeongin's voice broke. Minho stared at his brother. Tears sprung to Jeongin's eyes, "You're all that I have!" Jeongin sobbed. Jisung has never seen Jeongin show this much emotion.

Minho grabbed his brother and hugged him tightly. Jeongin cried into his brother's shoulder.

"You will suit up in armor," Minho said to his brother.

"Then you can follow me," Minho told him.

Jeongin nodded and sniffled as his brother let go of him. Minho hopped on his bike and threw the bag of weapons over his shoulder. Chan and the others started piling outside, watching Minho and Jisung preparing to leave. Jeongin hopped off his bike and ran inside to suit up.

Minho put on his helmet and threw Chan one last glance. He pulled out of the driveway and down the mountain he went. Jisung followed behind him.

Chan turned to Jungwon.

Jungwon was still watching Minho and Jisung leave.

"Are you with us or not?" Chan asked him. Jungwon fixed his gaze on Chan and took off his white glove. "For now, I will set aside the colors that divide our clans." Jungwon said to Chan. He reached out, and Chan took his hand.

"I will help you,"

The Assassin •Lee Minho•Where stories live. Discover now