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The rescue mission didn't go as planned. We had finally made it outside after getting past everyone without being seen. But we were caught right before we could leave. My getaway driver was shot, and I was taken again.

Namjoon is trying to find the culprit who decided to help me. He's left his minions to force answers out of me, but I haven't peeped.

They flipped the chair I was tied to on its back and covered my face with a cloth. I held my breath as they poured gallons of water on my face. My chest burned from the stress and anxiety. My whole body ached due to the continuous torture inflicted on me.

After a minute or so, they pulled me back up and removed the cloth from my face. I gasped for air, and the man grabbed my face roughly, forcing me to look at him.

"Are you going to tell me who helped you?" He asked me.

I hung my head and slumped my shoulders out of exhaustion. I was trying my hardest to stay awake and keep hold of my sanity. "Answer me!" He shouted before drilling a knife into my thigh. I screamed and dug my nails into the wood of the chair. My whole body trembled and shook from the pain.

I didn't answer him.

He kicked the chair back, knocking the air out of my lungs. He threw the cloth over my face again and began pouring, not giving me enough time to hold my breath.

The sound of the water hitting my face started to fade away as I began to drift unconscious. I gripped the chair and shook my head, forcing myself to stay awake.

He stopped pouring, and for a second, I thought he was going to pull me back up, but he didn't. "What was that?" He asked the man watching from the stairwell. "I don't know," he replied. A big boom could be heard from upstairs. I could feel dust fall from the ceiling onto my face as the sounds erupted from upstairs.

"Holy shit," the guy said.

"Maybe they're just playing video games, you know how angry they can get," one of them suggested. I shook the wet cloth off of my face and allowed my eyes to adjust to the lights. I watched as one of them made their way upstairs to check out the sound.

Before he could even make it to the top, his body was blown across the room. The other guys grabbed their guns and started shooting at the stairwell. A smoke bomb was thrown in the basement, blocking my vision. I coughed as bullets bounced off the walls, and dust filled my lungs.

I could hear screams of pain all around me.

And as I lay there, fighting to stay awake. I hear an unfamiliar voice call my name. "Alice!" Their voice echoed through the vacant basement.

I coughed uncontrollably as the air became thick. I could hear footsteps rushing over to me. Through my blurred vision, I saw a man in a white leather jacket. He looked almost like an angel.

"Found her!" He shouted.

He began cutting the ropes that bound me to the chair. I heard more footsteps approach me. Jisung came into view, and I felt relieved to see a familiar face.

After I was freed from the chair, he picked me up and turned to the man who found me. "Where's Minho?" He asked.

"I don't know," the man in white replied. Jisung cursed under his breath and thanked the man who found me. Jisung looked down at me as he carried me up the stairs, dodging bullets. "Stay with me, Alice." He said.

We made it upstairs where the chaos was unraveling. He ran with me in his arms, and somehow, he didn't drop me. He hopped over all the dead bodies. Some of the dead bodies wore white like the man who found me. My heart sunk as I saw their bodies.

He carried me outside into the cold night air. Rain poured on my skin, and I could smell the fresh air. We approached a group of guys awaiting Jisung's arrival. "Is she alive?" Changbin asked.

Another loud boom could be heard from behind us, followed after a big orange light. Everyone shielded their eyes as the house blew into pieces behind us. "Oh my god," Seungmin said. Jisung turned around, and I could see quite a few people casually walking away from the burning building.

One of them, their faces, I recognized. A face I never thought I'd see again. He swept his sweat drenched hair out of his face as he approached us. Jeongin stood by his side with a slight limp. I could see Hyunjin and Chan as well. The other guys wore white suits, and I didn't recognize them.

Minho stopped in front of Jisung and looked down at me. I watched his chest rise and fall as he struggled to catch his breath. Minho grabbed Jisung and hugged him. "Thank you," Minho told him.

Jisung handed me over to Minho, and Minho handled me with care. He looked down at the knife sticking out of my leg and then slowly met my eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he watched me closely. I closed my eyes and rested my head against his chest.

He looked over at Jisung and nodded. "Let's go home." Minho said.

The Assassin •Lee Minho•Where stories live. Discover now