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I managed to lift myself up onto my hands and knees. Bullets were flying past my head as I looked for a place to hide. I was so weak and beaten that I could hardly crawl. I wondered if the people upstairs could hear the chaos unraveling downstairs. I wondered where Chan and Felix were while all of this was happening.

Dead bodies were hitting the floor left and right. I glanced over at Minho and the others. Jisung was in the middle of a fist fight. Jeongin and Seungmin were fighting four people at once. I flinched as I watched Hyunjin shoot a man in the back of the head. Meanwhile, Changbin was getting jumped by three guys. He seemed to be handling it just fine. Jisung took a blow to the stomach. He was losing control.

I looked around for something I could use to defend myself. A gun had fallen on the floor across from me, along with a dead body. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from puking at the sight of the man lying in front of me. His eyes bulging out of his head, his nose busted and bloody. I crawled over to him as fast as I could. I reached over his dead body and grabbed the gun.

I turned around to see Jisung being held back by two guys while one was beating him senseless. Minho was on the ground being strangled by a man twice his size.


"Check the mag," dad told me. I popped the magazine out and counted the bullets. "Good job, you're locked and loaded. Now, pop her back in." He said. I popped the magazine back in and aimed at the target. "Safety," He reminded me. I flipped the safety switch, "Steady," He said. I took a deep breath and relaxed.

"Focus on your target,"


I popped the mag out and counted the bullets. I had three to spare. I popped the magazine back in and checked the safety switch. I took a deep breath and aimed the gun. Focusing on my target. The gunshots faded as I began to focus on my breath.

I pulled the trigger.

The bullet went clean through the man's head, giving Jisung an opportunity to take out the two guys holding him back. I aimed the gun at the man on top of Minho and pulled the trigger. I aimed at the man who was about to shoot Jeongin. I pulled the trigger. Instead of the bullet hitting his head, it pierced through his neck.

I felt exhausted. I dropped the gun on the floor and collapsed onto my back. I laid there, counting the minutes. Chan and Felix had finally come to help. Chan was taking men down left and right.

Jeongin got knocked to the floor by one of the men. He fell on his shoulder and groaned in pain. The man he was fighting charged towards me while aiming a gun at my head. Seungmin tried to tackle him, but the man threw him over his shoulder and onto the floor. I didn't have the strength to fight anymore. I accepted my fate.

Before the man could get any closer, Minho kicked him to the ground with so much force that the man fell face first. Minho jumped on top of the man, putting him into a chokehold with his boot digging into the man's back.

The man was screaming and coughing for air.


Minho snapped his neck.

The room was silent. Minho locked eyes with me, and for the first time, I saw emotion in his eyes. He looked worried but relieved. He was breathing heavy with sweat dripping from his forehead, and blood smeared on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I stared at him for a few moments. The silence was quite comforting. I slowly shook my head, and tears started to form in my eyes. "I'm in so much pain right now." My voice cracked.

I shook my head as he tried to pick me up. "Just help me stand." I said. Chan rushed over to help. I grabbed both of their hands and held on as tightly as I could. They lifted me up off the floor and onto my feet. "Okay, I'm good." I said to them. They gradually let go of me, and I was able to stand on my own for a few seconds. But my feet gave out underneath me.

Minho caught me by my waist and helped me stand. I grabbed a handful of his shirt to help support myself. I looked up and met his eyes. I quickly let go of him after realizing how close I was to him.

I was shaking and trembling as I looked around at all the dead bodies that surrounded me. Knowing that I killed three human beings. People who had lives and families. It shattered me, and I didn't know how to feel at that moment.

I looked down at the blood on my hands. My vision blurred as tears fell from my eyes and onto my blood-stained hands. I looked at Minho and then at Chan.

"I just killed somebody," I said to them. I looked at Felix, and then Jeongin. I started to hyperventilate.

"Hey, hey, hey," Chan approached me. I shook my head at him. "Don't touch me!" I said to him. I couldn't control my breathing. He grabbed me, "No!" I shouted. He wrapped his arms around me, and I collapsed into him.

Minho watched as I broke down. He didn't try to help me or console me. He knew that this was all his fault. I looked up at him, and he looked away from me.

Chan hugged me and tried to calm me down by rubbing my back. I pressed my face against his chest as I cried. I sobbed uncontrollably.

"I'm a... horrible... person, " I said between breaths. Chan shook his head while rubbing my back. "No, you're not," he reassured. "You saved people," he said.

I wish I could see things the way he sees things.

But I guess I never will...

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