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There was no laughing and partying like all the other clan bases that I had been to. They were standing strictly on business at this place. There were men that I didn't recognize, paving around the house, carrying weapons, laptops, and other important equipment to the living room. They were so swept up in their work that they didn't even notice me. And I'm the whole reason they are having to do this.

Chan placed a hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "Don't look intimidated," He said. I straightened my posture and followed Felix. I could see Minho across the room, talking with some of the white clan. He wore a black tank top and black jeans. He was leaning against the arm of one of the loveseats. His arms were crossed as he played with a pen. He was listening closely to whatever the white clan members were saying. They were sitting on the sofa with a holographic map placed in front of them.

Hyunjin patted Minho on the shoulder, causing Minho to look up at him. He rolled his eyes at Hyunjin and went back to what he was doing. I caught his eye, and he had to do a double take before he realized it was me.

His eyes softened as he looked me up and down. He didn't really approve the whole "bringing Alice into the group" thing. But now he almost looks proud to see me.

The white clan members stand up from the couch and turn to look at me. One of them turned and looked at Minho in confusion. "Who's this?" He asked him.

"Alice," I replied before Minho could say anything. I held my hand out for him to shake. "Do you not remember me?" I asked him. Jungwons face lit up when he realized who I was. "Alice," he grabbed my hand and shook it gently. "You don't look like a walking corpse anymore." He said.

"Thanks..." I said.

I could feel Minho's eyes on me.

"And is that muscle I see?" Jungwon asked. He pointed at my arms, and I looked down. "Oh, I guess they have grown a bit." I said, and they laughed. Chan looked proud as he watched me flex my muscles. I turned to Minho and held out my hand. "How's it going, man?" I asked him.

I want them to believe that we are nothing but friends.

He looked down at my hand and then back into my eyes. "I'm a germaphobe," he said, refusing to shake my hand.

He's got the memo.

I smiled lightly and looked down as I dropped my hand. He smirked and looked at Jungwon. "Shall we get started?" He asked him.

"We shall,"


I rode with Hyunjin, Seungmin, Jisung, and Felix in one of the bulletproof vehicles. Minho stuck me with them, and I had no choice but to listen to him. My role in this mission is to snipe out any red clan members and disable their security systems.

Jisung is our hacker, and Hyunjin is our coordinator.

Minho, Jeongin, Changbin, and Chan are the ones raiding the building. That also includes some of the white clan members. Not only are we the shooters in this mission, but we are also the medics.

I was a little pissed off that I wasn't heading straight into fist to fist battle, but then again, it's my first mission.

Hyunjin and Jisung were strapping me up in armor, more armor than they had put on themselves. I was pissed off about it, but I didn't complain. "How am I supposed to move with this shit on me?" I asked them. Hyunjin patted me on the shoulder, "You'll do fine." He said to me.

The Assassin •Lee Minho•Where stories live. Discover now