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I had thought Chan was going to take shift tonight, but I was surprised when Minho offered to. He hasn't taken a shift to watch me since we kissed that day. Everyone stayed to have some brownies, and Changbin ordered pizza so everyone could celebrate the work they had accomplished so far. Everyone pretty much stayed over since Minho was the head of the operation. They all passed out on the floor or on the couch.

I don't know how you can fall asleep on the hard wooden floor. But they seemed to enjoy it. I felt bad that I was the only one who got to sleep comfortably on a warm bed. But no matter how many times I offered the bed to them, they declined.

I'm guessing the food and beer are the reason everyone fell asleep so fast. I, on the other hand, was struggling to fall asleep. Maybe it was because of the pain or the anxiety of not knowing when the next attack would be. I stared out the window at the lake. The moon reflected off the water, and it was breathtaking.

Maybe some fresh air will help me.

I rolled off the bed and onto my feet. I slowly made my way down the stairs and stepped over all the sleeping bodies. I knew that any creak would send them jumping into attack mode out of a dead sleep. So I stayed quiet and made my way to the back door. I made my way outside and let the cool breeze hit my skin and fill my lungs.

Yes, this is what I needed.

I walked to the edge of the deck and sat down. I slowly dipped my feet into the warm water and gazed at the sky. I could see fire flies in the distance, and I smiled. I could stay here forever, just enjoying nature.

As I was sitting there, I heard the wood creak beneath me. I practically jumped when I saw Minho. He sat down beside of me, and dipped his feet into the water as well. We sat there for a few moments in silence.

"Can't sleep?" I asked him.

"Yep," he sighed.

I nodded slowly and watched the fireflies as they hovered over the water. "It's so pretty here," I said. He looked over at me, his eyes searched my face, and I avoided his gaze once again. Another silence followed after, and I could feel the tension getting worse. He wouldn't speak that much, and I was concerned, considering how much he used to talk before. He's become distant with speaking to me.

He would just stare at me or watch me intently. He could read me like no one else could, but he was so hard to read.

Out of all these stars and the glimmering moon. He looks at me and nothing else.

"What's on your mind?" I asked him. I finally forced myself to meet his intense gaze. He didn't look away. It was like he was admiring me. "Hmm?" I asked. I watched his shoulders rise and fall as he took a breath.



"Always, you."

I didn't know what to say. I felt my heart skip a beat as I looked into his eyes and how they dilated when he looked at me. The tension had fallen, and I felt relaxed just looking at him, sitting here with him, listening to the sound of the water.

"What are we?" I asked him.

His eyes fell to my lips, and they lingered there for some time. "I don't know," he replied and swallowed. My gaze fell upon his lips, and I felt myself inching towards him like a magnet. He didn't move.

I rested my forehead against his and closed my eyes. Our heavy breathing matched as we ached for eachothers touch. I could feel his breath against mine, and then he broke the space between our lips. We reached up to cup eachothers faces. Our lips moved in unison as he pulled me closer. I slowly crawled onto his lap, and our mouths never separated. I ran my fingers through his hair, something I've been wanting to do for so long. He groaned against my mouth as I pulled at the strands. His hands explored my waist as he kissed me so passionately.

We pulled away from each other to catch our breath and locked eyes. What we are doing is dangerous for both of us. It puts an even bigger target on my back.

I hugged him, he kissed the nape of my neck, and rested his head against my shoulder as we sat there embracing each other. I didn't want him to go, I didn't want him to leave me. I didn't let go of him, I just held onto him tighter.

He's going to risk his life to save me.

And so are his brothers.

The Assassin •Lee Minho•Where stories live. Discover now