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I set my bag on the bed and sighed. It was Jisung's turn to keep watch, but he didn't want to stay at Minho's, so I'm staying at Jisung's house. Don't get me wrong, I love Jisung's beach house, I just like Minho's lake house better.

The day passed pretty fast. Jisung
has been busy on his computer. And I've been busy watching tv. We haven't talked to each other that much. He'll occasionally pop his head in the door and ask if I'm okay. He's getting better at socializing with me. And his words are less hateful.

He ordered food for dinner again but this time I didn't eat with him, I ate in the guest bedroom where I was staying. He didn't say anything about it.

After dinner, I sat in the bedroom staring at the tv. A little brain rot never hurts. My eyes began to burn after an hour or so, and I figured that was my queue to stop watching tv. I got up from the bed and stretched after turning off the tv. I left the room and made my way into the living room. Jisung was nowhere in sight.

"Jisung," I called out, but there was no answer. I started to worry as I checked every room in the house for him, but he wasn't anywhere. That's when I peeked out the glass doors. I spotted him sitting in the hot tub.

He was staring off into space while smoking a joint. I was a little shocked to see Jisung smoking pot. He didn't seem like the type of guy to be into that stuff, but then again, he is a grown man and can do what he wants.

I opened the door and stepped outside. He glanced over at me but didn't say anything. "You scared me, I didn't know where you were." I said to him.

"Still here, unfortunately," he said. I crossed my arms as I approached the hot tub. He took a big puff of the joint and exhaled slowly. I watched as the smoke left his lungs. He looked up at me, "What are you doing?" He asked me.

"I don't know..." I replied.

I looked down at the hot tub, and my eyes fell upon his bare torso. I gulped and quickly looked away. He was watching me. "You can get in, just don't sit anywhere near me," he said. I nodded in response and slowly dipped my feet into the water. I was in a tank top and shorts. It was all I had to wear, really. I didn't have any clothes of my own. I sat down in the water and allowed the heat to calm my tense muscles.

We sat there in silence. He would look at me and look away when I looked at him. I watched as he placed the joint between his lips. He inhaled the smoke, and I watched as it left his mouth. He met my eyes, and they lingered there for a moment. "Want some?" He asked as he held out the joint for me to grab.

I stared at it for a few moments, hesitating. I never smoked before, but what could be the harm? Life's been pretty rough lately, I'm sure a little weed isn't going to hurt. I grabbed the joint from his hand and hesitated again.

"Do you remember things when you get high? Is it like alcohol?" I asked him.

"Have you never smoked before?" He asked me. I shook my head shamefully and looked down at the joint. "It depends," he replied. He looked down at the joint and shrugged. "I smoke it to forget," he said.

I stared at it for a few moments before finally bringing it to my lips. I inhaled the smoke, "Easy," he said after I took the biggest puff known to man kind. I coughed out the smoke and handed him the joint as I tried to catch my breath. He shook his head at me and looked away from me.

After coughing up the smoke, I relaxed and stared at the wall. I could feel the effects already kicking in. It felt like I was in a dream. My heart was racing, and everything looked fuzzy. "Woah," I said as I sunk into the hot tub. Nothing felt real.

He took a big puff too and blew the smoke into the air above our heads. The effects were kicking in for him as well. I started laughing, and he furrowed his eyes at me. I wheezed, and he chuckled at my whistling laugh. We both fell into a fit of laughter, and I was struggling to catch my breath. I don't know what was so funny, but I couldn't stop laughing.

And neither could Jisung.

We eventually stopped laughing, and it got quiet again. We stared at each other for quite some time. The sound of the hot tub bubbling around us was so loud. Maybe it was because of the weed, I don't know.

"I'm gonna go to bed," I said.

He nodded, "Okay," he mumbled.

I sat there for a few moments, contemplating if I should get out of the hot tub or not. I looked over at him, and he met my eyes. I glanced down at his bare chest and then met his eyes again. He looked me up and down and then locked eyes with me again. We stayed that way for a few moments.

"Goodnight, Alice." He said.



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