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I sat, tied to a chair. My legs were on fire, but I had gotten used to the pain at this point. I stared at the floor as everyone discussed what they were going to do to me. I thought about Mom in what I thought were going to be the last moments of my life. I cried thinking about her. I wonder what she's feeling right now. It was so selfish of me to even think of jumping off that bridge. She needs my help.

I had listened in on their conversations and gotten to learn their names. Not all of them but a few. Minho and Chan were chatting with Jisung and this other man. Jisung hasn't changed his mind. He still wants me dead.

There were two men who were ordered to watch me. Their names were Jeongin and Hyunjin. They sat on the leather sofa across from me. There was a man standing in the corner of the room glancing between me and the ones chatting. He was quiet, I hadn't heard him speak at all since I arrived. He just observes.

I watched as the tear drops fell from my eyes and onto my shirt. I went to rub my face but forgot I was tied up. I looked down at my bandaged legs and sighed. They didn't tie my legs because of the pain it caused me. I don't know why they're being considerate towards me. I feel like I'm on death row.

"I trust you, and I respect your choices." Chan said to Minho. He placed his hand on Minho's shoulder, but Minho shrugged his hand off. Chan smirked and glanced over at me.

Gosh, he's so handsome.

I looked away from him.

"But this is a little reckless." Chan said to Minho. I was scared of what was going to happen to me. Of what they were going to do to me. I never thought I'd have the will to live until now. I want to escape, and I want to survive. I want to see mom again. Even if it means dying in the process.

I looked over at Jeongin. "I need to use the bathroom," I said to him. He shook his head at me. "What am I going to do?" I asked. He looked me up and down and then met my eyes. I knew I wasn't going to get past him.

Before I could ask Chan if I could go to the bathroom, there was a noise outside. What sounded like a car door being shut. Everyone stopped and looked at each other. "She's your responsibility," Chan said to Minho. "The date is set." Minho replied before rushing over to me.

There was a knock on the door as Minho cut my ropes. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up on my feet. I looked at him as he dragged me through the living room and up the stairs. Why would he want me alive? If it means risking his life in the process... I couldn't understand.

They watched as we passed them. Chan approached the front door slowly, waiting for me and Minho to disappear upstairs. I tripped on our way to the third floor and hit my bandages against the stairs. The front door opened, and I let out cry of pain. Minho covered my mouth so the people downstairs couldn't hear. "Stand up," he ordered. I shook my head. "I can't." I replied, and his grip loosened. I watched as he looked behind us. My eyes darted to his gun. I grabbed it without hesitation and ran down the stairs.

I could hear him chasing me. I turned around and aimed the gun at him. He stopped in his tracks and locked eyes with me. "Shoot me," He said. I flipped the safety switch off. He knew I wouldn't hesitate to shoot. He clenched his jaw, and his eyes darkened. I aimed the gun at his feet and shot the wood beneath him. He didn't move. It was like the bullets didn't even faze him. I could hear the others freaking out downstairs.

I turned and ran down the stairs again.

He pressed a button on the wall. I didn't think much of it until all the lights in the house shut off.

"Emergency Lockdown" A robotic voice echoed throughout the house. I made it to the bottom of the stairs, and the door was open. I dodged them as they tried to grab me. I almost shot Jisung, but he dodged the bullet.

Before I could step my foot out the door, something hit me in the back and pierced my skin. The weight of it was so heavy that it knocked me to the ground.

A metal wall fell down in front of the door and every window in the house, blocking me from going any further. Minho had thrown a knife at me, and it hit me in the back. I couldn't move because of the pain it caused me.

The gun was kicked out of my reach as I went to grab it. "I'm not doing this shit anymore." Jisung said. He pulled his gun out and aimed it at my head. "Shoot me!" I shouted. I could feel someone straddle me from behind while Jisung held the gun to my head. "Please," I begged him. "Shoot me," I pleaded and cried.

Felix and Hyunjin held my arms down while Chan and Minho helped assess my wound. I stared Jisung in the eyes, and after a few moments, he lowered his gun. Minho ripped the back of my shirt, exposing my back. He looked at Chan, out of breath. "The knifes too deep," He said to Chan. "How did it not go all the way through?" Felix asked. Everyone was quiet. They knew if they pulled the knife out, I would bleed out. "It's just a two inch knife," Chan said.

"It couldn't have gone deep enough to puncture any organs." He said.

Minho sighed. He wrapped his hand around the handle of the knife and pulled it out quickly without any warning. I screamed, and my body stiffened underneath him.

The walls began to spin, and their voiced started to fade. It felt like an out of body experience. The pain would eventually stop due to my body going into shock.

I'm never going to get out of here...

I'll never get to see mom again...

I guess this is it

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