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The sun peeks through the window, hitting my skin. I open my eyes and squint as the sun's light hits me in the face. I roll over to touch Minho, but he's not there. The bed is cold and empty. I frown and sit up in the bed. "Minho," I call out, but there is no answer. I get up from the bed and put my clothes on. I go downstairs, and a cold breeze hits me.

I shiver and turn towards the door. I gasp when I find it wide open. The wind has blown leaves and dirt into the living room. I close the door while shivering. "Minho!" I call out again, but there is no answer. I sweep the house, but he is nowhere in sight. I go outside and take a walk around the property, and still, I can not find him. I panic and run back to the house.

His motorcycle is still in the driveway, and so is his car. I run inside and grab the phone. I dial Chan's number and pace around the living room, listening to it ring.

"The person you have reached -" I end the call and dial Changbin's number. I listen to it ring for what feels like an eternity, and then I hear someone pick up the phone. "Hello?" Changbin said.

"Oh, thank god," I said, I felt a part of me relax. "Changbin, I can't find Minho. His bike is still here, and he never leaves without his bike -"

"Sike, my phone is either dead, or I just don't want to speak to you. Toodles!"

I stopped in my tracks, and I felt my heart drop. I hung up the phone and set it on the counter. I couldn't move. My feet were glued to the floor. I choked out a sob and almost fell to the floor, but I caught myself on the kitchen counter. I looked around the kitchen aimlessly until my eyes fell upon a piece of paper sitting on the counter. I reached over the counter and grabbed the paper. I unfolded it and read the note.

Come find me - JK

There was an address underneath. I stared at the note, and I felt my sanity slowly slipping away. I crumbled the paper and threw it in the trash. I felt tears spring to my eyes, but I wiped them away. "Don't be a bitch, Alice." I told myself.

I made my way upstairs and put on my outfit. I tied my combat boots and strapped a bullet-proof vest around me. I put a hoodie on over the vest and filled a duffel bag full of weapons. I pulled my hair back into a bun and covered my head with the hoodie. I grabbed the duffel bag and made my way outside.

After putting the bag of weapons in the backseat of Minho's car, I hopped in the driver's seat and started the car. I stared out the windshield for a few moments before taking a deep breath. "You can do this," I said.

I sped out of the driveway and typed the address into the GPS. I gripped the steering wheel and kept my eyes on the road.

I'll find them.


I've been driving down a narrow and desolate road for the past hour, and I'm beginning to worry. I'm driving deeper and deeper into dangerous territory. "Continue down the road for one mile," the GPS tells me. I turn the GPS off and focus on the road again. I park my car on the side of the road and grab my weapons.

I make my way into the forest, pushing twigs out of my way and stepping over fallen tree branches. The air is cold, and it's only going to get colder tonight. I'm going to camp in one of the trees until sundown. After a short walk in the forest, I found a tall and sturdy tree. I set the duffel bag down and dug through it. I grabbed what I needed and began to booby trap the area around the tree. I set the bombs and threw the duffel bag over my shoulder. I climbed the tree and made myself comfortable on one of the branches.

The Assassin •Lee Minho•Where stories live. Discover now