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Knock Knock.

Jisung set his phone on the coffee table and got up from the sofa. There were a few more aggressive knocks as he approached the front door. He peeked through the peephole and rolled his eyes when he saw Felix's eyeball on the other side of the door. Jisung opened the door and was met with a smiling Felix.

Everyone started piling into the living room behind him. "Are you guys staying here for tonight?" Jisung sounded annoyed as he asked. Minho and Hyunjin set a few duffel bags down on the floor before both turning to Jisung. Changbin giggled and ran into the kitchen with bags full of food, Felix following behind him.

"You got a joint?" Jeongin asked Jisung as soon as he walked in. Jisung rolled his eyes and reached into his pocket.

"No," Minho said, and Jeongin huffed and stormed into the kitchen. Jisung met Minho's eyes and sighed. "Where's Alice?" Minho asked. Jisung had almost forgotten about Alice.

"Oh.." Jisung said?" Minho asked.

"She's..." Jisung trailed off as he looked over at her bedroom door. He approached her bedroom door and went to turn the handle, but it was locked. Minho and Chan both followed him. "Alice, why is the door locked?!" Jisung asked.

There was no answer.

"You left her unsupervised?!" Chan asked.

"She's not a fucking child, she doesn't need to be supervised every second -" Jisung was interrupted when Minho shoved him out of the way. Jisung clenched his jaw as he watched Minho pick the lock on the door. After a few seconds of trying, the door unlocked. Minho opened the door, and they all three entered the room. Jisung and Chan were still looking at the empty bed when Minho was rushing to the bathroom.

The sound of Minho's boots hitting the wet carpet as he approached the bathroom door was all that could be heard. Everyone came running from the kitchen to the bedroom, thinking something was wrong. The door opened before Minho could open it.

Alice stepped out of the bathroom intact, wrapped in a towel. Her dampened hair dangled over tan skin as she looked up to see Minho and the others standing in the room.

She didn't seem fazed.

Changbin, Chan, and Felix covered their eyes. Seungmin shook his head and left the room. The others didn't bother looking away.

Alice looked to Jisung with an apologetic expression on her face. "I woke up in the bathtub, and I don't remember how." She said to him. Jisung was quiet and didn't know what to say. "I got to get dressed. Can you guys get out, please?" She asked them.

Minho clenched his jaw as he stared at Alice. Alice turned to him as the others left the room. She met his eyes and frowned. "What's wrong?" She asked him as she reached for his hand. He pulled his hand away and shook his head in disbelief. "I thought you were dead," he replied.

"What do you mean?" She asked defensively. He continued to shake his head and look down. "It's nothing," he said as he turned to leave. She grabbed his arm, stopping him from going any further. He stopped and looked down at their hands. When Alice realized what she did, she released him, but he held on. They stayed there, holding onto each other.

So close... yet so far.

He brought her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on her soft skin. She shivered as his warm breath fanned her wrist. He gently dropped her hand and left the room. Her eyes lingered at the door where he just was.


I sat at the kitchen table with Chan, Hyunjin, Changbin, and Felix. They wanted to play Uno, but Chan and I were a little traumatized from our last Uno game, so we watched the others play.

Minho was cooking with Jeongin and was judging every mistake that Jeongin made. I offered to help cook, but they both declined. Jisung and Seungmin sat in the living room, enjoying TV and smoking a joint.

"Alice," Felix brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up from the table and met his eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked me with a laugh. I smiled and nodded weakly in response. He nodded slowly and looked away from me. I could tell he didn't believe me. I looked down and stared at my hands. I stayed that way for quite some time.

"Alice, did you ever have a pet?" Hyunjin asked.

They must have been talking about pets. I wasn't paying attention to their conversation at all. "What?" I asked him, and he repeated himself. "Oh... yeah, I did, actually." I replied.

"Was it a dog or a cat?" Changbin asked.

"His name is Jack, and he's a cocker spaniel." I replied. They all nodded in response. I could tell by the look on their faces that they knew I would probably never get to see my dog again. I had accepted it. "He was gifted to me by my dad." I added.

Felix seemed really interested. "Didn't your dad teach you how to shoot?" He asked me. I smiled lightly and nodded, and Felix smiled as well. "He was a detective, and he could crack almost every case he was given." I bragged.

"That's cool," Chan said.

"He died trying to solve a case," I said.

"I'm sorry," Chan said.

"No, it's okay. Me and my Mom tried to contact the police and get them to investigate his case and bring it to justice, but the police never did anything about it. They made sure to cover the whole thing up, though." I replied.

Felix and Changbin furrowed their eyes as they shared a glance. Chan leaned back in his chair and crissed his arms, fully invested in the story. "What do you mean?" Chan asked.

"His story never reached the news, and they never let us throw a funeral. I never got to see him again." I said and tried not to tear up at the thought of it.

"What was his name?" Jeongin asked while washing dishes. I sighed and replied, "Kennedy Snow." I replied.

Everyone stopped, and the color drained from their faces. Chan opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself. Felix looked at Chan and then Changbin. Hyunjin looked behind me at Jeongin and Minho. Mainly Minho.

"What?" I asked them.

"Nothing," Chan shook his head, reassuring me. I searched their paled faces and started putting the pieces together. "You know how he died," I said. Changbin and Chan both shook their heads in response. "And you're not going to tell me," I said.

"Alice -"

I stood up from the table and stormed off to the bedroom. Seungmin and Jisung both watched in confusion as I slammed the bedroom door behind me.

My question is...

Who killed him?

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