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I remember being handcuffed to the bed for two hours. After fighting me and finally restraining me, he left the room and headed downstairs. I haven't heard a peep since. One of the cats had made themselves comfy on my lap as I waited there. I glanced over at the handcuff that was crushing my wrist. I tried to think of a way to escape the cuffs.

I started fumbling with the chain, twisting it and tangling it. After five minutes of fighting with the chain, I let out a cry and threw my hands down. I sat there for a few moments before realizing what I had done.

The chain had broken from the pressure. My heart fell to my stomach. I looked down at my freed hands and glanced over at the door. All I could think about was escaping. There was nothing else. The cat jumped off my lap as I stood up. I grabbed the gun off the dresser and approached the door. I reached for the door handle and cracked the door open. I peeked outside. The halls were empty, and I didn't seize my opportunity. I closed the door behind me and tiptoed to the stairs. I started making my way down, one by one. I could hear laughter and chatter below. It sounded like it was coming from the kitchen.

I stopped every time I hit a creak in the stairs. Thankfully, they didn't hear me. I made it to the bottom of the stairs safely. I reached the front door only to be met with a dead end. The door couldn't be opened unless I had a pass code or handprint.

I panicked.

I could hear footsteps approaching me from behind. I turned and ran for a window. I opened the curtains and unlocked the window. An alarm had gone off as I opened the window. I kicked the screen out and jumped out the window without hesitation. It was a five foot drop. It wasn't that big of a fall, but I managed to sprain my ankle anyway.

The sprain sent shooting pains all the way up to my thigh. "Fuck!" I said as I stood up. The house is huge and it's surrounded by nothing but trees. So I ran for the trees. As I was running, I could see multiple red laser sights being aimed my way.

I turned to look behind me as I was running. I could see multiple guys running out of the house after me. Before I could turn back around, I tripped over barbed wire. My legs got tangled up in the mess. I screamed as the blades dug into my skin.

I'm a known fainter around blood. As I was lying on the ground, I could feel the blood running down my ankles. There was still some barbed wire stuck to my legs. I felt nauseous.

I took deep breaths and looked up at the stars peeking through the trees. I could hear then getting closer. I accepted my fate.

A bright light hit my face as men started to surround me. I could barely see their faces. A man with an automatic ran up to me and held the gun to my head, ready to shoot. Before he could pull the trigger, the gun was knocked out of his hand.

"Don't shoot!" I heard my captor say to them.

"What the fuck are you doing, Minho?!"

The one holding the flashlight aimed the light down to my legs and then back up to my face. "This is our ass on the line!" The one who had the gun to my head shouted.

I fainted and then opened my eyes. Then I fainted again.

I could hear them yelling at each other through the relentless fainting. "I think we have a fainter," the one with the flashlight said. Nobody heard him. He turned to the ones fighting. "Jisung, Minho, shut the fuck up." He ordered.

They listened to him, and both turned to look at me. Minho squatted down and started to pull the blades from my skin. "Here, hold this." The man with the flashlight gave his flashlight to Jisung and squatted down to help Minho.

I looked up at the men who stood before me. There were five others just watching. "She's bleeding too bad," Minho mumbled to the other man helping me. "Does it matter?" Jisung asked. He clearly doesn't like me. Minho turned to him and glared. "Why can't we just leave her?" Jisung asked.

"I'm gonna throw up," I said.

"What's your name?" The man helping me asked.

I took a deep breath.


"Tell me about yourself, Alice." He said.

I inhaled through my nose and out my mouth. "Like what?" I asked him. He was trying his best to pull the blades out without tearing any tissue or muscle. "Like your hobbies or your job." He gave me suggestions.

"Umm, I work..." I started to lose focus.

"Keep talking to me, Alice."

"A cat cafe!" I said and laughed. "I work at a cat cafe," I repeated. I looked up at the sky and watched the stars as they fell. I'm losing it already. I felt my eyes start to close.

"Okay, she's passing out," Minho said before picking me up. "I'm not done removing everything!" The other man said. "Then hurry up!" Minho said to him.

The others looked shocked that Minho was talking to him this way.

"I like to bake..."

"She's still going," one of them said.

We started heading back to the house. The nice man was still tending to my wounds as Minho carried me. "What's your name?" I asked him. He laughed at my question as he removed the last piece of barbed wire from my legs.

"That's classified information," he said.

"I'm gonna die anyways," I said.

He was quiet after that. I managed to lift my head so I could look at him. I rested my head on Minho's chest. "C'mon, what's your name?" I asked him. He didn't answer me. He ignored my words and kept walking. "Pleeeaaase," I begged.



"Please, please, please,

"It's Chan! His name is Chan!" One of the men screamed out of annoyance.

Chan shot a warning glare to the one who peeped, and they shrugged innocently.

"I'm sorry, I broke your window, Chan." I said to him. Chan looked over at me and smiled, "It's okay, it's just the screen." He reassured.

The Assassin •Lee Minho•Where stories live. Discover now