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"Knock Knock,"

Chan stood in the doorway with a smile on his face. I haven't left the room for two hours. I'm not sad, and I'm not here to cry. I am furious that I have been lied to this whole time. I lay curled in a fetal position on the bed, staring at the bathroom door, contemplating where to go from here.

"Go away," I said calmly.

"I'm here to tell you what happened." He said.

I glanced at his silhouette from the corner of my eye. I let out a breath and looked away from him. "Close the door behind you," I said, and he did just that. I sat up in the bed and sighed. I didn't meet his eyes as he sat down on the edge of the bed beside me.

"Did any of you kill him?" I asked him as I looked down.

"No," he replied. I guess I should feel relieved that none of them killed my father, but I'm not relieved. Knowing that my father's killer is still out there living and breathing is sending my rage through the roof.

"Your father wanted to know why the government was covering up so many murders. And he kept digging and digging and digging until he found out the truth. But the truth killed him." He said.

"Who killed him, Chan?" I asked him. He was silent to my question. "Chan," I warned him, and he looked away from me.

"It was Jin-young,"

Jin-young, hmm?

"Alice," Chan said after my silent response. I turned to look at him, and he met my eyes. "I'm tired of moving... and hiding, and waiting for the next attack to happen." I said to Chan. Chan's eyes furrowed, "What are you saying?" He asked me.

I stared at him for a few moments before replying.

"I'm going to finish what my father started."

"Alice," Chan tried to stop me from leaving the room, but I didn't listen to him. I went to the kitchen where everyone was calmly chatting. They all seemed very tense, even two hours after the tea was spilled.

They looked at me as I approached the table. I looked at Minho, and he looked at me.

"Teach me how to fight," I said.

"What?" He asked me in disbelief. He looked behind me at Chan. "What did you say to her?" He asked Chan. Chan shook his head at him. Minho met my eyes again, and he clenched his jaw. Something I'm so familiar with seeing. "No," he said before grabbing his plate from the table and standing up from his chair.

"Why?" I raised my tone.

Everyone was surprised that I was speaking to Minho this way and not speaking to him with respect.

"Because you'll get killed!" He matched my tone. We stared at each other in silence while the others waited for one of us to have another outburst. "So I have to sit back and watch you all get killed?" I asked him. He dropped his dish in the sink, ignoring me.

"I am sick and tired!" I shouted, my voice reached volumes that I didn't know they could reach. Everyone looked at each other in shock, waiting for Minho's response. Minho gripped the sides of the sink, his fists turning white as he stared out the window.

"I'm tired of being scared! I'm tired of worrying if you guys will make it back in one piece! Fuck, I'm tired of being tired!" I said. He looked down, and I felt tears spring to my eyes.

"Teach me how to fight! Involve me, please!

He slowly turned and met my eyes. He stared at me for a few moments before shaking his head and looking down again.


Week one of training went by pretty slowly. The first few days started roughly. I would wake up in the morning and could barely move due to the pain from strength training. The first week consisted mostly of running a few miles every day and lifting weights. I had to change my diet so I wouldn't feel like shit after every workout, and I had to change my sleep schedule.

Week two went by pretty smoothly. I was starting to get used to the strength training, and it was becoming less difficult.

Then Week three came along, and they were starting to introduce me to new exercises. Changbin and Chan played a big part in Week Three. They taught me how to fight and how to protect myself if I ever encountered an enemy.

Week four came along, and it was more of the same. Getting up at five am, and going for a three mile run with Felix or Chan and heading to the gym right after for some self-defense classes.

Week five came along, and it was time for some shooting classes. I excelled pretty quickly in that class. Hyunjin and Seungmin were very impressed at my skills and how accurate of a shot that I was.

Week six came along, and it had been four weeks since I had seen Minho and Jeongin. I worried about them every day. They would call and let the others know that they were still alive and were succeeding with their plans.

I haven't seen Jisung either. He had gone on the mission with Minho and Jeongin. I suggested he was okay.

Chan and Changbin managed to convince Minho to include me on one of their missions. They believed I was ready to fight. I heard from Chan that it took a lot of convincing in order for Minho to be okay with it.

I was given my own outfit by Felix, and I was finally a part of the team.

"Wow," Felix said as I stepped out of the bedroom to show off my outfit. Chan, Changbin, and Hyunjin all smiled while Seungmin seemed unamused. It's a black turtle neck stuffed into high waisted black skinny jeans with combat boots to match.

"Welcome to the black clan," Chan said to me, and I smiled.

"You guys ready to go yet?" Seungmin asked. Chan looked at Seungmin and then at me again. I nodded, indicating that I was ready. We left the house and made our way to the base.

My heart raced at the thought of seeing Minho again, I didn't know why. Our relationship is a bit complicated right now. I don't even know what to call us... Minho wasn't the only thing eating at me. The thought of heading into another fight with the red clan was making my stomach churn.

It's crazy how big the red clan is. How they're still fighting to take them all out.

We reached the base after a nerve-wracking three hour long ride. It was another mansion that I had never seen before. I'm guessing it's one of the white clans mansions.

The car pulled to a stop near the front door. I looked at Chan, and he looked at me. "You ready?" He asked me, and I nodded with a smile. The others got out of the car and already made their way inside. "Then why are you hesitating?" Chan asked with a laugh. I opened the door, "I'm not," I lied before stepping out of the car. He laughed and shook his head as I closed the door.

I turned and looked at the front door. I took a deep breath and approached the front steps. Chan followed behind me. I didn't give it a second thought as I turned the door handle and made my way inside.

The Assassin •Lee Minho•Where stories live. Discover now