Mario: The three kingdoms of the Tenka region Kou, Gai, and Gou were united by the Kou Empire.
Sonic: Yeah it's all possible thanks to the efforts of the empire's first emperor Hakutoku Ren of the Ren family.
Mega Man: And like any king he hooked himself up with a nice wife named Gyokuen and together they popped out 4 kids: Hakuyuu, Hakuren, Hakuei and Hakuryuu.
Mario: The Ren family for the most part lived a fairly happy life living just like your average privileged child born of royalty.
Sonic: That's all good and but since we've seen this type of story before we all know that we can't have nice things in life as Hakutoku died while he was Parthevia.
Mega Man: To add more insult to injury this was an assassination plot as the entire palace was on fired and most of the family died, except for young Hakuryuu and his sister Hakuei.
Mario: In the aftermath Hakuryuu was left with a burning and learned that his own mother Gyokuen was responsible.
Sonic: You're probably thinking: "Well there's no way she would do such a cruel thing to her family right? I mean she loves her family right?" Except it was not the case! Gyokuen was the one behind the chaos one behind the chaos in the Kou Empire so she sent some men to assassinate her husband and family.
Mega Man: Welcome to yet another example on what happens when you let looks deceive you.
Mario: Obviously upset and angry and traumatized by his mother's betrayed, Hakuryuu did the one option that almost all anti-heroes go for: Revenge.
Sonic: Hakuryuu was already well trained in many weapons like spears.
Mega Man: But he's got all kinds of crazy ass shit to go with it.
Mario: This is Magoi an energy source created from Rukh it also acts as pure energy they can manipulate it through parts of their body or weapons and weaponize them.
Sonic: He also carries a wooden arm that was his replacement for his original arm which allows him to turn it into vines and trees he uses it like a tentacle whip projectile. He can even make a goddamn wooden dragon.
Mega Man: But that's not even his most deadliest weapon yet the Metal Vessels.
Mario: The Metal Vessels are magical objects that allow him to use abilities of the Djinn.
Sonic: Wait, Mario it's almost time to open the presents.
Mario: Wait what?
Mega Man: Yeah Christmas is here we gotta open presents.
Mario: Oh right. Come back next time so we can go over the full episode of Sasuke VS Hakuryuu.
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