Raven snipes DEATH BATTLE!

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Shadow: For more than 50,000 years, humanity has been in complete and utter, chaos, destruction, misery, and death.

Zero: All thanks to the phenomenal worst than Covid, the Honkai. They are such a nuisance that it's absolutely hard to try and even live a normal life. Like at all. If you don't believe me just ask this woman named Natasha Cioara.

Shadow: Born in Siberia of Russia, Natasha lived the life you'd probably expect for a young girl alongside her older brother.

Zero: Too bad in the wake of the lives they were living, Siberia was in the middle of all out war against one of the deadliest Herrschers to ever existed. Brought to you by this Son of a bitch here whose last name is Apocalypse. And once the Herrscher got loose and spread Honkai radiation, thousands of people including Natasha and her big bro.

Shadow: Fortunately thanks to the sacrifice of Schicksal's most powerful Valkyrie at the time they all managed to survive.

Zero: So now this the part where Natasha and her brother going back to their right? Fuck no. This robot looking guy came by to the kids house and kidnapped poor little Natasha and separated her from her dear brother and took her to World Serpent.

Shadow: The experience she had after the Second Eruption combined with her separation from her only family caused an intense hatred for the Honkai, which gave her a goal to ensure that no other child had to endure what she went through, at that moment Natasha Cioara died and in her place stood the most deadly assassin, Raven.

Zero: Oh yeah Raven is no slouch she may be a hot chick with a nice ass but she can kill you without even trying.

Shadow: No doubt thanks to her resistance to Honkai energy which is why Gray Serpent took her in the first place. Under his training, Raven spent many years honing her skills until adulthood and weaponize them thanks to her battlesuit which is made to protect the person from Honkai radiation.

Zero: She can use those attractable fingers on her suit as uses to slice her opponents up into pieces. She once used a weapon that completely made a Herrscher go unconscious.

Shadow: She also teleport, stop time with Time Fracture as well as use feathers to weaponize them she can even summon ravens in her attacks and cover the battlefield.

Zero: Gee now how does that sound familiar.

Shadow: Raven is also an expert archer thanks to welding the Obscuring Wing a bow that allows her to fire off fire based attacks which can create small explosions and nearly insta kill anything.

Zero: But if she ever gets serious she pulls off some of the most deadlest weapons of all Divine Key! Speaking of which Shadow our very respectable Batmobles are ready.

Shadow: Oh they are? Nice.

Zero: Now we can go for a ride and beat a Dark Knight.

Shadow: Speaking of which make sure you stay tuned next time for the full episode of Batman VS Raven.

Shadow: Speaking of which make sure you stay tuned next time for the full episode of Batman VS Raven

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