[EP 2]Joong gets what he wants

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It shocked Dunk and Phuwin when Joong pointed towards Dunk.

"I'm sorry, he is not in the protection service team. May I suggest the best alpha on our team. They are well trained and equipped for anything." Phuwin tried to divert Joong's attention.

"I heard that everyone in your company has combat training, am I wrong?" Phuwin felt trapped at the moment. It is true that everyone in his company is trained. They are well prepared for any scenario being in the dangerous business that they were in. Phuwin pursed his lips.

"If you give me him, I'll make sure that the Guntithanon clan and the Teepakorn clan use your services only. Wouldn't that solidify your position as the head of the Tangsakyuen clan, Taan Phuwin?" Joong sat there with a smug smile on his face. He may be a celebrity but he is also the heir of the Guntithanon clan. He knows how to play the political game.

Phuwin clenched his hands. It was way too tempting but he couldn't in good conscientious allow Dunk to take on such a dangerous job, not to mention Pond will have his head if he knows. If Joong knows Dunk's designation... All the thoughts twirling in his head as he weighs the pros and cons.

"I'll take the job." Dunk voiced out. Phuwin looked at Dunk in shock. Dunk looked at him with pleading eyes. They really don't have a choice in this matter. Their fate in the Tangsakyuen clan depended on this deal. Phuwin relented. They signed an agreement. Dunk will report for duty in a week as he needed to handover his work. An excuse for Phuwin to buy time. Joong was fine with that. He promised Paaw Jack that he would stay in the Guntithanon compound to avoid any trouble.


Joong wore a dreamy smile on his way back to the clan house. He was giddy with joy. He would recognize that low timbre voice anywhere. It had been 7 years of searching with no result and yet he had met him by happenstance. He had grown to be a handsome yet beautiful young man.

I can't believe I found you, my sunflower. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

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