[EP 18] Digging

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"You fools! Now he knows Mondschein is behind the attacks!" He was fuming. It was supposed to be a clean attack. Take Joong out and the position as clan alpha will be his. He had wanted to humiliate him at first, letting him lose his career and fame but that damn Dunk Natachai came into the picture. He will have to get rid of the Mondschein first and find another way to rid of Joong Archen Guntithanon.


Dunk had reported back to Phuwin and Pond regarding Mondschein's involvement. Phuwin had started to put a plan in place- tracking their latest activities and finding their base. Pond had noticed that Dunk was injured, he saw the knife wound and the large bruise forming at his back when he took off his shirt. Pond had attended to his wound quietly, rubbing ointment on his bruise next. Dunk didn't make a sound. Sometimes, he missed the innocent wide eye boy. The young child that would whine and cry whenever he had a small wound, asking for hugs and dessert as compensation for the pain that he went through. The Dunk today is unreadable when he is in pain. Pond wished he would find his true mate, or a person who can break through that shell that he has formed around himself.


They were shocked to find that Mondschein has been eliminated. Kenji, Joong's biggest rival in the entertainment industry had committed suicide in his apartment. Dunk, Phuwin and Pond knew it wasn't as simple as it seemed. They had moved forward with Dunk's plan of meeting Sarawat and Tine. They had informed them of the news.

"I'm afraid this is just a cover up." Phuwin stated.

"This might be sensitive information that we are asking, Khun Paaw. But who would benefit from Phi Joong's death? Who is the next in line?" Dunk had no choice but to be straight forward.

"My brother, Dim but he would never do anything to harm my family." Sarawat answered with conviction.

"Sometimes its not what's on the surface." Pond continued.

"Is it possible to grant us an invite to your next clan gathering? Not as Phi Joong's bodyguard but something more subtle" Dunk asked Sarawat.

"We could introduce you as Joong's onscreen partner. We'd like you to know Joong's family. Your series would be aired before the next gathering. With both of you being Dunk's guardian, it's not an issue at all." Tine answered as he looked towards Sarawat who nodded his head. Now all they can do is wait.   

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: It might seemed a little weird that Dim would be the next in line since he is older that Sarawat but that is the line of procession. If the current clan alpha doesn't have an heir then it goes to the sibling of the current clan alpha. If his sibling has passed on then it goes to his children.... something like that... 

Sorry for posting this a little later than usual. It's been a busy day. I'm also working on the rough draft for Joong and Dunk's hanfu series. I took a different route with this series... instead of drawing up the plot as usual I just wrote a rough draft. It is an impulse series after all 🤣🤣 Now that I'm pretty sure that it will be a complete series (I have had series that I trashed because it just didn't work out, I would normally only publish series that I'm pretty sure can be completed) I just wanna ask... without any spoilers... whether you would prefer me to bomb drop the series in a few quick installment or if you wouldn't mind that I follow the usual 1-3 EP a day? cause this is one series that I can confidently say will be frustrating for some to wait 🤣🤣 compared to my usual series. I think it would take about 20-25 EPs.... although I intended it to be a short series. Do let me know, if all goes well, I will post it during weekend. I think it goes well with the lunar new year theme. 

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