[EP 27] Truth revealed

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Ohm was getting anxious at this point. When Boun and Prem came back without them, Ohm felt that something wasn't right. There still wasn't any news from Joong or Dunk by the evening. He couldn't get them through their phone. He had to report back to Phuwin when they didn't come back the next day. He could only hope that he was just overthinking.


They tracked their way to the house. Dunk made sure they didn't leave any trails behind. Dunk dropped the backpack on the dining table once they reached the house. It was relatively clean. He was shocked to find food in the cupboards, the electricity and water was running well. It seemed that Pond had been maintaining the house. Most likely using it for his rut or Phuwin's heat. His eyes widen at that thought. He had totally forgotten in his adrenaline to escape. He didn't have his scent blocker or his suppressants with him. He won't be able to escape his heat. With Joong in close quarters, it would be a disaster. He closed his eyes as he took a shuddering breath.

"Phi Den, do you know how to shoot?" Joong was confused at his question but he nodded anyway. He did go through some training for a film that he shot.

"Good, shoot at anyone you don't recognize. I'm sorry, Phi Den but I need to leave you here. It's safer that way." Joong was confused with Dunk's new plan.

"Why? It's safer for the both of us to be together. It's not safe for you to be out there alone." Dunk closed his eyes. He didn't know how to explain it to Joong without exposing himself.

"I just can't... I can't be with you" Joong couldn't begin to understand what was going through Dunk's mind.

"What are you hiding from me, my sunflower?" he held Dunk's chin, forcing him to look him in the eye. Dunk's resolve crumbled. He couldn't hide it any longer.

"I lied to you, Phi Den...." A single tear rolled down involuntarily. Joong thumbed it away, encouraging Dunk to tell the truth.

"I'm... I'm not a beta." He closed his eyes after telling Joong the truth. He didn't want to know how Joong would respond to his confession. Joong's eyes had widen at his revelation. His inner alpha beamed at the news. He knew his mate is an omega from the start. Joong paid no heed to his inner Alpha. All his focus was on Dunk. He caressed Dunk's cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me? We could hav-" Dunk shook his head.

"You're the heir of the Guntithanon clan. The elders will never let you marry a rogue omega."

"I would rather give up the title than to lose you. You're everything to me." He kissed Dunk, willing him to understand how important he is to him.

"Gu rak meung (I love you)." He whispered as he ends his kiss, leaning his forehead against Dunk.

"Gu rak meung meun gan (I love you too)" Dunk replied with love. Joong held Dunk tightly in his arms with the thought that he can finally move forward with his sunflower.  

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: finally...🤭🤭 yes, it's all happening on a Sunday so you all can read it at your leisure.. 

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