[EP 15] How do you make a kiss look good?

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Dunk was shocked to find out that he will be rooming with Joong when they reached Chiang Kian. He couldn't in good conscience ask to room with Leng. Ohm had mentioned how he was looking forward to have some time with Leng. Joong would find it suspicious. He could only pray that Joong doesn't find out.


Joong found it strange that Dunk would never shower in their room. He claimed that he trained with Ohm and Leng before starting the day so he decided to shower at their room. Somehow, he would shower there before the night ends. It's strange but he wasn't bothered by it. As long as he gets to spend time with Dunk. As long as Dunk is in his arms by the end of the night. Though there was two beds in the room, Joong would somehow end up in Dunk's bed. They would either be busy rehearsing their lines or they talked till they fall asleep exhausted. Dunk would always gravitate towards him. Although Joong's inner alpha felt irritated that he couldn't scent his mate, Joong would still hug Dunk to sleep with a smile on his face.


"How should we kiss to look good on camera?" Dunk's eyes widen at Joong's question as they went through the script on their bed. Dunk's cheeks flamed at the thought of it but there really was no escaping. They should get comfortable with the idea of kissing each other before they get on set. He didn't expect Joong to kiss his forehead nor had he expected his next question. 

When he asked if he could kiss him, Dunk had stared at Joong, looking for his answer. He shove the thoughts within his mind and channeled the confidence of his character Sun. He dived in for a quick peck on his lips with a suave "of course" 

When Joong dived down for a slow passionate kiss, Dunk couldn't help but feel a spark within him. Joong stopped himself as he felt his inner alpha taking over. His inner alpha roared in rage at being denied his pleasure but Joong was afraid that it was too fast too soon.

"Let's stop here tonight. But we'll need to practice more before we get on set." Joong puts his script away as he turned in for the night.

Dunk's heart was thumping. The omega within him whined when they stopped kissing. He began to understand why Phuwin said this was bad idea. He would need to keep his inner omega in check the next time. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Why do I still narrate after putting the video? because sometimes I don't know when the video will become invalid. It has happened before😅😅 2 short EPs today. 

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