[EP 32] It's time

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The three of them were quite a sight when they walked into the Guntithanon clan house. Ohm and Gawin were flanking them. Joong couldn't help but fall in love with his mate all over again. The elders did not know what to make of their presence. Poom had a smirk on his face as he walked in. Joong frowned as he saw Mai walk in behind Poom. Things were not going to be as smooth as he thought. He caught Paaw Jack's gaze and gestured towards her. His face darkened at her sight. Joong whispered to his parents. Sarawat pinched the bridge of his nose. He would have to see what they were playing at.

Sarawat gathered everyone's attention and gestured Dunk over.

"Everyone, I'm glad to announce that my son has found his true mate- Dunk Natachai from the Tangsakyuen clan." Before Sarawat could have a word further, Poom interjected. 

"I'm afraid to disappoint you Aa (Uncle) but nong Joong already has a pup with this omega here." Dim had frowned at his son's action. He was glaring daggers at him while Poom feigned innocence. Mai sashayed forward. Joong wanted to burn her on sight. He looked towards Dunk. He saw Phuwin squeezing Pond's shoulder, making sure he held in his alpha rage and not make a scene. He clasped Dunk's hand in comfort. There was a smirk on his face that Joong couldn't understand.

"I didn't sleep with her. Ohm and Phi Mil can be my witness." Joong casually answered.

"They both saw me in a bathrobe, how could you say that?" She feigned hurt by his statement. Joong had wondered how she advanced in the entertainment industry with such acting skills. He couldn't hold the laugh in. She was confused by his reaction.

"You think I'm new to the industry. I always wear a cam on me. Paaw Jack has the footage. Let's see if I've slept with you." Joong saw the look of frustration on Poom's face. He knew his cousin would play dirty but not to this extend. Everyone had bore witness that nothing had happened between Joong and Mai as they watched the footage. The elite team was about to take her away when Phuwin stopped them.

"I'm afraid to say that she is bearing a Guntithanon pup. Just not Joong's" Everyone gasped at what Phuwin hinted.

"Clan Alpha, I had wanted to bring these matters to you in private but since things are out in the open. I guess it doesn't hurt. We had decided to investigate the threats made against Joong in order to protect him better. It had led to a lot of interesting discovery." Phuwin smiled. He is a clan leader for a reason. He was always prepared before a battle. No one gets to play dirty with Phuwin Tangsakyuen. Phuwin had asked Gawin to hand a huge file to Sarawat.

"Among our search, we had also noticed that Khun Mai had been in contact with Khun Poom. They have been having intimate relationship for months. It's highly likely that the pup that she bears belong to him but a DNA test is always welcome." Dim's eyes widen at Phuwin's statement. He couldn't understand why his son would frame Joong.

"Apart from that, we had also dug deep into Khun Poom. We found that he had wired money to the Mondschein pack that was recently eliminated after the last attack on Joong at Chiang Khan. We had also found evidence that the recent attack at Khajornborirak clan area leads back to Khun Poom." Poom fell to the ground. He looked pleadingly at Dim. Dim looked away as the elite team took him away as he waited for his trial. It was a felony to attack the clan heir. Mai was not spared from her punishment as they dragged her away as well.

Though Sarawat felt sorry for his brother, he was also relieved that the threat against his son was over.

"Let's get back to the matter at hand, I would like to congratulate my son, Joong on finding his true mate- Dunk Natachai." When the elders had mentioned that they need to go through a process to approve Dunk as future clan omega, Sarawat had put a stop to it.

"This is just a formality. They are already mated." The elders gasped at that. They started to voice their disapproval.

"This is not right! He isn't really from the Tangsakyuen clan. He is a rogue omega that is under Khun Pond's guardianship." The disapproval grew louder among the elders after the revelation.

"If the Watthanasetsiri clan was still around, Joong would have rightly mated the omega son of a clan alpha. He was betrothed to him. It was rumoured that he would be a true omega. Only a true omega is fit to be our clan omega." Pond eyes widen at their revelation.

"If that omega is still alive, does he have a right to be Joong's mate?" Pond asked. Phuwin was confused by his question.

"Of course. As the son of a clan alpha, he would have every right." The elders hummed in agreement

"If I were to tell you that Dunk is the son of Earth Pirapat Watthanasetsiri, what will you say?" Everyone in the room gasped. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: the photo that Dunk was looking at in the previous EP:

A little back story between Poom and Mai: So basically Poom was the person who persuaded Mai to back out from the last film that Joong was shooting

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A little back story between Poom and Mai: So basically Poom was the person who persuaded Mai to back out from the last film that Joong was shooting. That's when they first started their fling. When Poom realized that she was jealous of Joong and Dunk's relationship, he was the who instigated Mai to make a move on Joong. The scene that you all saw when she threw the magazine at the TV happened after that. So that was what happened, if you are curious. There's no where within the series that I could have slotted this bit. 

This series should be ending in another 2 days or so. Time really flies.. 🥹🥹

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