[EP 10] Getting permission

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"Son, what are you thinking about?" Tine had noticed that Joong had been distracted the moment he came home.

"Dunk. We'll be shooting intimate scenes next week. I'm getting the vibe that he thinks Pond won't agree. How do I get him to agree?" Tine began to think that his son's feeling for Dunk was deeper than it looked. It almost rivaled Sarawat's behaviour during their courtship.

"tam jing jing, luuk(tell me honestly, son). What is Dunk to you?" Tine needed to know what he is up against if he wanted to prioritize his son's best interest.

"He's my sunflower, Pa. The one I've been looking for. I found him, I finally found him!" Tine saw the excitement in his eyes. Why did he have to fall in love with a beta? Tine thought sadly.

"You are sure he's it? You said he was a late bloomer 7 years ago. How can you know he's your true mate?" Tine hope that that was a room for change in thought. 

"I'm sure, Pa. I've never been so sure in my life." Tine saw the determination in Joong's eyes. There was no way he can dissuade him. He is his father's son after all. He can only blame Sarawat for this. Tine sighed.

"I'll invite them over for dinner. Maybe with Khun Phuwin by Khun Pond's side, it'll be easier to get it over with. I'll like to know Dunk a little better as well." Joong couldn't hold in his excitement as he hugged Tine.


Pond and Phuwin noticed how nervous Dunk was but chose to keep quiet as he gathered the courage to tell them. Pond jumped up from his seat when Dunk mentioned intimate scenes.

"Dunk Natachai!" Dunk winced when Pond shouted his name.

"I will have to agree with Pond on this one. It's a bad idea, Dunk." Phuwin being the sound of reason

"But there's no way I can get out of it. It's too late into the production to find a replacement and the contract we signed..." Phuwin grimaced at that.

"He's an alpha, Dunk! If he so much as gets a whiff of your scent..." Pond sighed in frustration.

"Not to mention the implication of this. It's going to be televised. How will you explain to your true mate when you find him?" No alpha will take it kindly.

"I don't plan to mate. No one will take in a rogue omega kindly as it is. I heard that the Khajornborirak clan is kind to all omegas. I'll talk to Taan Tine when all of these dies down" Pond and Phuwin were shocked by Dunk's revelation.

"mai huang (don't worry). It's not going to happen soon. I'll go when everything is stable and you have started your own family." Pond frowned at what Dunk said. He couldn't fathom the idea of Dunk leaving him but before he could object, Phuwin received a call from Tine.

"Yes, yes. Thank you for your invitation, we'll be there tomorrow night." Phuwin ended the call and informed them of Tine's invitation.

"I guess there really is no way out of this." The three of them braced themselves for the dinner with the Guntithanons.

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

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A/N: 🤭🤭 what do you think? 

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